



A few great shots above from DEADLIFT day!

W.O.D. 2.10.10

CrossFit King of Prussia will be CLOSED Wednesday February 10th.
I believe they are predicting up to two feet of snow and it is expected to end late Wednesday night...Information regarding class status on Thursday will be provided tomorrow evening.

At home WOD:
courtesy of Tim P...

Your choice:
AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
10 Push-ups
15 Sit-ups
20 Squats


4 Rounds for time of:
5 Burpees
15 Push-ups
20 Squats

Post time to comments.

"Your biggest challenge isn't someone else. It's the ache in your lungs and the burning in your legs, and the voice inside you that yells "CAN'T" but you don't listen. You just push harder and then you hear the voice whisper "can" and you discover that the person you thought you were is no match for the one you really are."


  1. Aimee, can you tell me if there is an affiliate in State College? I thought I read a comment that mentioned it but I cannot find it on the main website. I am going to Penn State this weekend and was hoping to CrossFit. I am bummed that I will miss the KoP Valentines Day Massacre.

  2. Hi Kristen- As of now there is no affiliate, I will email you off line to give you Doug's info. He might be interested in getting together to do a WOD if he is in town...He hasn't officially gotten his affiliate up and running, but I will put you in touch. He has the knowledge and the garage (but that's all you really need, right?)

  3. check this link out: tasty!


  4. yes...Donkey!!! I know, love WOD #1! but WOD number #2, the big girls would have an advantage...depending on three...that will paint a true picture, look for WOD #1 in the near future :)

  5. So is that what we will be doing? I'm a little confused.

  6. John- For our region for sectionals Tanya Wagner is organizing and planning the WODs. I think they will be released in about two weeks.

    Last year as WODs were released some of the different sectional/regional competitions I would put them in the programming rotation, it was fun for everyone!

  7. Dang! I was hoping that was going to be ours.

  8. A little tip for the shoveling WOD today. Lift with the legs and keep that good lumbar curve. Once you get the shovel load to the knee straighten out the back and use your arms to unload the snow. Make sure to dump the load to the left and the right side of your body to get an even workout on both sides. RX is a full shovel load of snow, can be scaled by half a load. Times will vary depending on the size of your sidewalk and drive way.

    Seriously, that snow out there is heavy. Got a good shoveling WOD in this morning, looking for another good one later this afternoon.

  9. we're lucky in that we live in an apt building that does all the shoveling and plowing...but if we didn't I'd get this!


  10. LP and TP did the AMRAP wod in our basement.
    19 rounds each, now we're out to shovel the small driveway. We just lost power, may be doing another AMRAP later for warmth.

  11. This work out makes me cringe since Angie is still so fresh in my mind....more push ups and squats...hmmm... rest day for me?

  12. @ Mike F. - Nice tips on the shovel wod. I needed to use a slight knee dip (as in the push press) to hoist the shovel full up and over the mound. Yes Amy I was doing my best to keep the weight in the heels. Wiggled the toes!!!

    @Jen S. - Angie is not only fresh in my mind....but in my arms, shoulders, chest and lats as well..

    Just put feet up on couch for the Flyers game... will make "rest day" decision after hockey game....

    Hope all are well and no one is travelling too far....

  13. okay i did it anyway...I did the second one - 7.30.49

  14. Did the mainsite WOD at AK Crossfit in Atlanta. 17:54. (Beat both of the male trainers I was doing it with... oorah! Thanks Aimee!)

  15. Mike - my husband thanks you for the great shoveling tips.
    I yelled a few inspirational words out the window every now and again, when I saw he was slowing down...;)

  16. 2nd WOD - 3:35
    broke up pushups on 3rd and 4th rnds

    New blog post on coffee/tea: www.chrispconstantlyvaried.blogspot.com
