
CrossFit King of Prussia NEWS

Creating a team for the Affiliate cup:
As the CrossFit Games qualifying season begins, it is time to start thinking about the CrossFit Affiliate Cup. CrossFit King of Prussia has registered a team. "This is EXCITING!!!" Several members at the box have expressed an interest in representing CrossFit King of Prussia in the Affiliate Cup this year so it has become necessary to hold try-outs to select the team members. Tryouts will be held on April 11th. To date, this is what we know...click here to read more.

Testimonials and Inspirations:

CrossFit Level one Certification May 22nd and May 23rd:
At CrossFit King of Prussia...Click here for details.

CrossFit KoP Photos this Winter:
Click here to see some great shots of our athletes in action!


  1. That is awesome that we are going to have an affiliate team. As for try-outs, any additional information you can give us to see if we would 'qualify' for example, team members would need to be able to Rx all workouts?

  2. In the past, the team would have to complete the WOD...but remember there are 6 people on a team and only 4 are working out.

    So if the WOD was cleans with 115 for ladies and 155 for guys and 2 out of the three woman could do it, they would be the ones that "started" while the 3rd one would not participate in that WOD. However, the next WOD may be a 5k run and the 3rd person is a great runner so they would start while one of the stronger ones from workout 1 sat out.

    Ideally, the team would be comprised of people that could Rx everything but that may not be a reality. It would not be unreasonable to have an event at the try-outs that involved some type of distance row/run, etc...
