
Happy Birthday Curin!!!

W.O.D. 2.24.10
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
95 pound Thruster, 5 reps (ladies 65)
95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps (ladies 65)
95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps (ladies 65)

Rolling Thruster-Grace at CrossFit Center City - video [wmv] [mov]

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go."
- T.S. Eliot

Rx Results:
Swine 8
Aimee 6 (men Rx)
Jen S. 7
Kim J. 5
Granny 7
Tom 6
Deb 8
Kate 10
Hannah 11
Jim C. 7
JZ 5
Plentus 6 (115#)
Miranda 9
Curtin 7
Olan 6
Jeff 6
Jerry 8
Tim 7 (115#)
Kerry 8 (75#)
Laura 7
Rob 6 (115#)
Gary 6

Scale Results:
SAZ 5 (65#)
Joe D. 8 (75#)
Kevin M. 8 (75#)
Kara 9 (45#)
Steph V. 7 (modify)
Cindy 5 (63#)
Justin 7 (75#)
Meg 7 (65#/53#)
W.W. 7 (75#)
Kathleen 7 (45#)

Rob. The Thumb-less horseman!


  1. Happy Birthday Curin! Hope I get to work out with you tomorrow night, even if it means birthday burpees.

  2. Happy birthday Curin...30 is HOTTTTTT!~~xo grans

  3. happy birthday curin! hope you enjoy your day!

    i'll do 30 burpees in your honor tomorrow morning.

    Chicago hotel WOD: 10 rounds of 10 squats, 10 sit ups, 10 pushups. time: 10:45. cashout: 5 handstand holds as long as possible. not timed, too pathetic.

  4. Happy Birthday Curtin!!!

  5. Curin deadlifting? no way!

    Happy birthday girl!

  6. Have a great B-Day Curin!!!

  7. curin, i remember working out with you at atlas on your first day! you have come sooo far! hope you have a great birthday...have a drink for me! or two. :)

  8. Happy Birthday friend! I'll see you tonight when you crush this WOD!

  9. Happy Birthday Curin!! Have a great day and I hope I get to see you tonight!

  10. Happy Birthday to one of my favorite workout partners! Have a GREAT day Curtin!!!

  11. Happy Birthday Curin! I hope you have a great day!

  12. hi Curin! you're badass..

    and 30 is the new 20! (so does that mean i'm really 17??)

  13. This is from Curtain:
    Awwwww tell them I said thanks for all the bday wishes :) and that ill be there tonight and my gift to them is no burpees bc I hate them! Lol

  14. Hannah & Cate:
    You ladies are truly inspiration, you are crushing numbers and kiccking butts with buns in the oven! Keep up the good work and I only hope that if i ever get preggers, i have the same motivation that you women have!
