
Father and Son...Steve and Kit.

W.O.D. 2.25.10
From the Mid-West Sectionals...
The 54321 WOD is:

For Reps:
5 minutes of Rowing for calories
4 minutes of Box Jumps for reps (20/24)
3 minutes of hang squat snatches for reps (45/75)
2 minutes of wall balls for reps (10 ft high)
1 minute of Handstand Push-ups for reps

Video of the workout presentation ... [wmv] [mov]

Community Reminder:
The Whole 9 Nutrition Seminar will be going on this Sunday from 12-3pm we are looking forward to hosting Dallas and Melissa! There are a few last minute spots available if you would like to sign up.

The notorious Pukie Z deadlifts 455#; click here to watch it now!
Recently back from serving our country overseas, ask Steve what drove him to CrossFit KoP; it's a funny story!

Schedule update:
Next week will begin our much anticipated 4:30PM Wednesday class.

"Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace and power in it."
- Goethe

Sam G: 229
Mike V: 224
Pukie: 162
Tim P: 219
Jason: 192
Plentus: 207
Aimee: 199

Jen S: 152
Megs: 172
WestWod: 169
Kevin: 189
Laura: 166
Donkey: 165


  1. Keep up the great work both of you. I think its awesome that you both crossfit!

  2. best CrossFit father/son team I know!
