
CrossFit KoP...On the Road to the 2010 Games.

Athlete Profile: Kerry Smith

Height: 5'8
Weight: 150
Age: 26
Started CF: Oct 09

Fran: 8:06
Bench: 115
Press: 75
Deadlift: 225
Consecutive pullups: 17
Back squat: 160
Cindy: 10
Alcatraz Swim: 30 min


  1. Kerry - Gooood LuckkkkkK!!!!! :) :) :)

  2. You are going to rock sectionals!! Good luck Kerry!!

  3. A woman with the drive and determination of a dozen people. You're going to do incredible things at Sectionals!

  4. overrated... ;-)

    hehe, gotta keep you grounded!

    (ps, keep up the good work!)

  5. yeah Kerry! get some, girl!

  6. Kerry great stats in such a short time. You'll do great at sectionals.

  7. Kare Bear!!! Sorry I'm way late in posting, but I just wanted to say that training with you has been a blast and you are definitely a force to be reckoned with! You scare me with how strong you've gotten in just a few months... I'm already counting down the days until you start whooping me in WODs. It's closer than you think! Looking forward to competing with you at sectionals and hopefully on the afficiate team too. Keep smiling Kerry, you're the best!

  8. Even though you smell REALLY bad, you are pretty solid in the gym. We knew you would be special since day one and you are proving us right. Solid work girl, we are proud of you.

  9. Hey everyone,

    So I finally figured out this whole blog thing .. thank you very much for all the kind words and encouragement. It means a lot to me. I'm thrilled with the opportunity to represent KOP at sectionals!

    Once again, thanks again I truly appreciate it.
