
Are you ferocious like the Honey Badger?

W.O.D. 2.3.10
3 Rounds for time of:
50 Double Unders
Two-Fer Wall Balls, 25 Reps**

**This is a movement we haven't worked on very much, so get ready to fire up the fast twitch muscles. The weight of the wall ball will be determined by your ability to execute the movement.
Scale for Double Unders will be tuck jumps.


"Fitness as a Full-Time Pursuit" by James Wagner, The Wall Street Journal.
"Baby Got Back" by Chris Plentus, Constantly Varied.

Two-Fer Wall Balls

Community Reminder:
We will be offering a free class this Saturday February 6th, at 8:30AM. This class is open to all members and non-members.

Post to Comments:

Your level of interest for a Snatch Clinic with EC and James Hobart.


"Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than what people do or say. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill."
-W. C. Fields

Grans 14:33 (8/10/14 DU)
Jen S. 10:49 (6 DU)
Swine 12:17 (20 DU)
S.Zipf 16:23 (6 SU)
Kara 13:28 (6 DU)
Donkey 16:17 (8/6 SU)
Megs 17:01 (8 Row 500m)
Kevin M. 13:43 (14 DU)
Jerry 14:09 (10/12 DU)
Cindy 20:42 (6/DU attempts)
Aimee 10:35 (14 DU)
Tim P. 11:01 (20 DU)
Jason 14:23 (20 DU)
Patti 11:52 (6/SU)
Miranda 15:58 (10 SLSU)
Curin 22:55 (8 DU)
Justin 14:47 (8 SU)
Jim 18:03 (15 DU)
Jeff 13:48 (14 DU)
Olan 17:25 (14 DU)
Laura 17:34 (12 DU)
Chris P. 11:18 (20 DU)
Hannah 20:01 (14/10 DU)
Kerry 14:30 (12 DU)
Shawn 14:56 (20 DU)
Liz 17:17 (18 DU)
Kathleen 13:40 (4 SU)
W.W. 18:05 (15 DU)


  1. well this workout just looks terrible :( lol but ill do it anyway!

  2. Curin- Way to persevere, if you have never done a 2-fer burpee you have never experienced some of the most fun a burpee has to offer!!!

  3. Snatch clinic = YES

    both James and EC are stand up folks...James came in 2nd at the Winter Hybrid challenge for mid-weight men, and EC was just here for the cert...both are awesome athletes and people

    EC doing "man Grace": http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/CrossFitAgainFaster_ManGrace.mov

    James Hobart is about my height but snatches over 225 like it's a 45# bar: http://media.crossfit.com/cf-video/againfaster_burgenerjamespre.mov

  4. yes to the snatch clinic with EC!

  5. Yes! EC was an awesome teacher, and watching her do the snatch on Sunday at the cert was amazing. Woo-hoo!!!

  6. Yes to the snatch clinic for me please.

  7. I would love to do more work on my snatch, that's another "yes" for me please!

  8. Hi all - I just wanted to emphasize that the snatch clinic is great for people of ALL levels and abilities... Whether you're just learning how to snatch, or you're looking to "fine tune." If I can convince my mom of this, she'll hopefully join us too!

  9. who doesn't love snatch??

    I'm in!

  10. I am excited for the interest that everyone has for the snatch clinic. I wanted to point out though that we would need to hire EC and James to come and teach us. There would be a cost associated with it. I wanted everyone to be aware so it does not come as a surprise.

  11. EC and James are definitely worth the cost ... Handlers are in!

  12. That video was amazing...Hector is an inspiration to all of us.

  13. Wall ball weights have been updated, sorry, Swine did not use a 30# WallBall!
