
What a Weekend!
Thank you to all the participants at the L1 Certification, the amazing coaches and my family and friends who it wouldn't have been possible without!!!

A few things on sale and the recipes in Mom's Kitchen!

Fresh new L1 Certs...Cindy, Jeff, and the elusive Chris Plentus... CONGRATULATIONS on a AMAZING weekend!
Let's not forget about Doug, who will soon be our newest affiliate in State College! Doug, it was great seeing you back at the box!

Again faster? Bigger? Stronger? Will he ever grow into that shirt?

The new tire sleds, thanks DAD!!!

W.O.D 2.1.10
Alotta Ladies!
10 Clean and Jerks (135#/95#)
50 Double Unders
50 Sit-Ups
21 Thrusters (95#/65#)
21 Pull-ups
30 WallBalls (20#/14#)
30 Box Jumps (21#/25#)

We need a variety of input and influence and voices. You cannot get all the answers to life and business from one person or from one source.”
-Jim Rohn

Swine: 10:47
Miranda: 14:10
Mike B: 13:37
Nikki: 9:56
Sam B: 10:37
Jim C: 18:15
Joe A: 24:46
Mike V: 14:56
Rob: 17:29
Steve: 21:03 Pukie
Jim (visitor): 18:23
Jen S: 17:50
Tim M: 20:56
Grans: 13:23 (40 Box jumps)
Mike F: 17:17
Shawn: 16:02

Cate: 15:59
Chris T: 18:01
Kara: 17:45
Kim: 25:35
Kristen: 21:25
Donkey: 17:45
Mom: 17:30
Vincent: 19:51
Melanie: 17:21
Steph: 19:51
Curin: 19:19
Patti: 18:27
Megs: 14:57
Kelly: 18:04
Gina: 20:31
Katie: 18:47
Maureen: 19:55
JZ: 14:56
Kevin: 16:14
Ludwig: Glucose
Justin: 22:14
Liz: 18:40
Laura: 12:12
Kerry: 15:10


  1. Congrats on holding a cert in your new space - woohoo! Wish I could've grabbed a spot before it filled up.

    And congrats to the three members who got certified. Cindy -- I will *def* catch you on my next trip up north. I think you, Steph and I need to do blogger happy hour or something. :)

    An affiliate in State College? Glad to hear it! Please point me to a webpage! I have two people that live up there who I really really really want to introduce to CrossFit.

  2. congrats to Chris, Jeff and Cindy: you are all awesome and each of you has already helped me take it to the next level...i look forward to learning much more from you. ROCKSTARS!!

  3. Congratulations everyone on a successful weekend. I am very proud.

  4. for you future CF moms - Carey Kepler from CrossFit Central documents her 2nd pregnancy and going through CrossFit


  5. Congratulatiosn Chris, Jeff and Cindy on your exciting accomplishment!! We are all so proud of you!!!

  6. Congratulations Handlers, Doug, and Master ninja Plentus- Glad you took away lots of knowledge.

  7. Congrats Jeff, Cindy, Chris, and Doug! Nice mug shot Chris!

  8. Congrats everyone, glad the event was a success too!

  9. Chris, thanks for the website. I was able to go on Carey's blog and find more information as well. She is an inspiring mother. Makes me feel like I am doing the right thing, though many outside the gym have criticized me.

    "I cannot imagine women who may be inactive taking on the challenge of adding 20 to 30 more pounds to their body, and not having the muscle or endurace to take on the challenges that you are faced with during pregnancy. I know that all women are different, but I would not reccomend child birth without Crossfit." -Carey

    I have heard Cate say this before, but i honestly feel stronger than i ever have before.

  10. Well said Hannah!! People criticize me all the time about doing crossfit pregnant. Its awful, it makes you feel like you are doing something wrong.

    Thanks again Chris for posting this!! I really appreciate it! ;)

  11. Thanks Aimee for holding such an awesome cert at your box! Good times by all...

    Congrats as well to Spider Monkey, Jeff, Cindy, and Doug (I think I got everyone) and a big shout out to Mom for being awesome with those coconut pancakes. YUM!

    :) Kassi

  12. Hannah & Nicole, and all moms and future moms,

    I SAY SCREW those people....the advice/critism the starts when you're pregnant, continues after you have the baby too. People always think they should tell you what is the right way to do things when it comes to pregnancy and babies. And different people have very different versions of what IS RIGHT. I say.. researsh the facts, talk to your doctors, listen to family & friends advice...BUT AT THE END OF THE DAY...you will always find the RIGHT answer by following your own intuition and by listening to the cues your body and your baby give you! ROCK ON MAMAS!

    We have gained some excellent new coaches at the box! Congrats!

  13. Hey everybody! It was really great getting to see some folks I haven't seen in six months. The Lyons, Jeff, Cindy, Jen, Nikki, Tim. To those I didn't see this time, maybe in March, huh? The old friends and the group workouts really made me miss the competitive cameraderie of CFKoP.

    I'll see what I can do to get a good crew up here in State College, so if you're every up in the area, let me know.

    One thing I'm sure of is that this cert had some of the best wod music ever. And thanks Jason for the Whiskey, I'll see if I can't replace that in kind when I'm down for sectionals.

    And finally, a big thanks to Jeff and Cindy for the kind accomodations at "Hotel Handler."


  14. Awesome time. Thanks, gave you props that you deserve. WWW.crossfitact.com


  15. congrats to Chris, Jeff and Cindy: you are all awesome and each of you could help more people in the same aspects. ROCK ON!!
