
Detox Workshop with Jen Fugo
Evolving Well

W.O.D. 1.7.10
Deadlift 1-10-1-20-1-30 reps
Post total load (add up all six barbell loads) to comments.

Mizar Fuentes, CrossFit Montreal, 30 Muscle-ups for time, Butterfly-style - video [wmv] [mov]

The Peanut Manifesto

Free January:
Yoga 5:30PM with Mary Kate
"Integrate the energy Crossfit brings to your life with the ancient practice of yoga! Mary Kate Farley is a nationally registered yoga teacher whose Kripalu-style classes are perfect for all who'd like to stretch sore muscles, relieve stress, and relax completely."


"True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are united."
~ Alexander von Humboldt

Todd 1670
Aimee 1190
Jen S. 900
Sam 1900
Tim P. 1170
Laura P. 830
Cindy 955
Ray 1440 + a new PR of 315!!!
George 1550
Donkey 785
Kara 560
Rob 1320... in a class all his own


  1. For those of you who were interested in the Lancaster Veggie Co-Op, here is the website: http://www.lancasterfarmfresh.com/

    There are various pickup sites in the area for you to choose from.

    Take a look through the site, as they do offer lots of info about size of shares, etc, so you can gauge what you should sign up for. You can also order milk, eggs, etc from them (assuming your pick-up site allows special orders).


  2. Hello Crossfit kop!
    Haven't seen you guys in a while but will be returning before the month is over. Miranda – Sorry to hear about the foot!

    Wanted to share yesterday's WOD a fellow friend/crossfitter help me put together that I named "Teresa" in honor of her help...

    5 Rounds
    8-7-6-5-4 (working up to 80% max)
    Front Squat
    Back Squat
    Dumbbell Thrusters

    + 20 min. Interval Run

    Globo Gym Blaaaaaaaaah
    Hope to see you guys sooner than later!

  3. All- We received some more information regarding the "Throw-down" at CrossFit 215 on
    Saturday January 23, 2010.

    Athletes arrive at 9 am...event will start by 10 am

    2 WOD's...the exact workouts will be released and posted on our website Monday January 18
    -workouts will be prescribed with men's and women's weights, scaling will be allowed...all levels welcome!

    Preliminary schedule is as follows

    WOD 1: 10 am - 12 pm
    Workout Overflow/Break: 12 pm - 1pm
    WOD 2: 1 pm - 3 pm
    Social: 3 pm - 5 pm
    *schedule subject to change based on number of registered athletes!

    Cost = $20 per athlete

    Jay (from CF215) has asked if we have anyone interested. Please post to comments if you have some interest in going.

  4. I just received an email this morning on a company in NYC that does organic juice detoxing. Here's the bulk (and some recipes) from that email for those of you who were interested in more info about food detoxing.

    Evolving Well, LLC

    * First thing in the morning Wake up your system with a trio of elixirs in any order — just down the hatch!
    o Combine 8 oz. of pure alkaline water with pHour Salts, a powerful alkaline boost from Dr. Young
    o 1 oz of pure aloe vera juice to improve bowel regularity and increase nutrient absorption
    o 1 oz of chlorophyll, diluted with up to 8 oz. of purified water to oxygenate and boost nearly every major body system

    * Mid morning Mix a scoop of Doc Broc’s Green Powder with 1 liter of pure alkaline water for energy and a raw organic anti-aging boost
    * After 20 minutes it’s time for a fresh pressed green juice. My favorite is a simple blend we call YoungLOVE* (see recipe below) that is just juiced cucumber, spinach, and celery. Remember to chew your juices — sip, enjoy and no gulping!

    * Lunch time The basic building blocks of food are carbs, plant based proteins, and fats, so for lunch enjoy healthy sources of each that also support the cleansing process:
    o Lemon Lime Shake (see recipe below) with citrus, coconut, cucumber, and avocado
    o Young Alive Green Shake (see recipe below) — green juice blended with avocado, flax oil, and Himalayan salt
    o And another liter of water with Doc Broc’s to keep the plant-based energy going

    * Mid-afternoon Time for some nutrition with an extra flavor kick — enjoy some raw soup like carrot ginger soup (see recipe below) featuring carrots, ginger, and orange juice.
    * And make time for another green juice, on the Love Young cleanse it would be the MellowLOVE* (see recipe below) — cucumber, parsley, celery, romaine lettuce, green apple

    * Early evening Give your body some ruffage to aid its nightly sweep. A simple salad of raw, organic ingredients (see recipe below) is a satisfying and delicious end to the day. Add your favorite raw vegetables or even organic edible flowers for something a little special — because cleansing is not about deprivation, it’s about abundance of health.

    * Later evening Drink only water or herbal tea after 9pm, and allow yourself to go to bed early if possible to give your body extra time for house-keeping. Look forward to waking up knowing you gave your body amazing nutrition, a break from new toxins and the support to clean up old ones.

    Be sure to drink plenty of pure alkaline water throughout the day, take time throughout the day to notice your stress level and your breath and make adjustments if possible, get out and get active — even if you only have a few minutes to spare, and start again the next day. Try for 5-7 days, and feel free to rotate some different raw organic vegetables into the recipes to keep it interesting and delicious.

    Some people are intimidated by green juice, but there is just nothing else like it to get clean at a cellular level and start the year off right with energy and clarity. If you have a juicer and a good blender you can easily make the essentials of this program for yourself at home Look for ingredients like aloe vera juice, chlorophyll, and alkaline water at your local health foods store or order the At Home Kit. If you are in NYC and prefer the convenience of delivery call 212.334.4593.

  5. I'd probably be interested in the "throwdown", depending on the events.

  6. I think Rob was really just 45 minutes late for yoga. Did a great job deadlifting though!

  7. i might be up for the 215 throwdown.

    CC: thank you for the co-op information!! i was kicking myself for not catching you before you left last night!

  8. For the record, the look on Rob's face when he walked in mid-Yoga was priceless. "Who took my CrossFit Gym and turned it into a yoga studio? Ummmm....Am I in the right place?"

  9. can we also talk about JZ falling asleep in yoga? well, I did too but at least I woke up on time!

  10. Boy, I sat out one yoga class and missed all of the entertainment!

  11. I thought what was more funny was the look on the yoga instructors face as she walked in the box and saw another yoga instructor in front of the class! I think Amy was truly the Zen Master in that yoga session!!

    Rob's face was pretty funny though! I though he was just late for yoga.

    Chris and JZ- now you know why we all do yoga, to get that mid-workout snooze in!
