
Dave Lipson snags some airtime...Click here to check it out.
Dave and Denise from CrossFit Exodus pictured above!

W.O.D. 1.15.10
3 Rounds:

15 Deadlift 70% of 1RM. Every fifth rep must be held at the top position for 15 seconds.
15 Push Press 40#/25# Dumbells or Kettlebells. Every fifth rep must be held overhead for 15 seconds.
15 Burpees. Every fifth rep must be held in the top of the push up position for 15 seconds.

Row 1000M

Coaching Tips: Scale load and movements to match your current fitness level. The purpose of the mid-set holds is not only to develop muscle unit recruitment, but also develop mental toughness. Holding onto the bar that extra 15 seconds will help overcome weakness in your grip and weakness in your mind. The same will hold true for all three exercises in the workout. Keep in mind that the workouts that we do aren't always only for immediate physical improvements but for future workouts as well.

WOD from the talented Paul Flores.

We love our strong CF KoP MOMS!
With babies in bellies, these ladies keep on setting PR's!

There's a new smoothie in town

"Bullfighting is the only art in which the artist is in danger of death and in which the degree of brilliance in the performance is left to the fighter's honor."
-Ernest Hemingway

Swine: 21:00 (245/40#) & 3:45
Jen S: 24:11 (130/25#) & 4:36
Steve: 30:25 (135/15#) & 4:41
Donkey: 17:20 (115/18#) & 4:35
Olan: 19:53 (155/30#) & 4:26
Kathleen: 17:10 (65/10#) & 5:10
Kevin: 18:42 (185/30#) & 4:02
Cindy: 24:18 (155/18#) & ?
Miranda: 23:47 (135/25#) & 5:19
Jason: 24:07 (290/40#) & ?
Dorothy: 17:56 (108/20#) & 4:44
Laura: 21:15 (115/25#) & 4:29
Justin: 24:57 (115/30#) & 4:43
Gina: 23:57 (100/18#) & 5:02
Jim C: 25:20 (245/40#) & 3:59
Kristen S: 20:57 (100/15#) & 5:18
Chris S: 24:31 (250/40#) & 4:05
Steph: 28:37 (200/25#) & 5:41
Vincent: 19:30 (85/30#) & 5:31
Sam B: 18:34 (165/45#) & 3:57
Liz: 22:47 (95/18#) & 4:38
Mike F: 23:53 (250/50#) & 4:36
Mike B: 25:11 (245/45#) & 3:52
Jerry: 25:01 (215/35#) & 4:13
Granny: 15:30 (135/25#) & 4:06
Ditty: 29:34 (125/20#) & 4:33
Nick: 24:19 (125/25#) & ?
Han: 26:13 (165/25#) & 5:16
Joe: 39:04 (325/45#) & ?
Kerry: 20:09 (145/265) & 4:11
Rob: 22:49 (205/40#) & 4:05


  1. Ok, Ok, Ok.....Aimee, you need to get one of those pregnancy suits so we can all get the benefit of doing WODs with an off center sloshing load about our mid section.

    Awesome job Hannah and Cate!

  2. Hannah & Cate...I'll never be able to give you enough props!

  3. Aimee, I dropped down to 135# in the first round. Wish I could have stayed at 155. Give me this one in a month and then we'll see! Thanks for hanging with me today, I really appreciate it.

  4. Omg that wod was a mental battle for me. A few months ago on a strength day in Evans class I barely could do 200 x3. I had to try twice because I failed the first time. The progress is amazing.
