
...make sure you check it out! I was fascinated by it!

W.O.D. 1.14.10
Mixed Bag...a Day of Mini WODs

Mini WOD #1
Unbroken Double Under Ladder
(sub single unders x5)

Mini WOD#2
Max Back Squats in 3 Minutes
Ladies 120#
Men 175#

Kim 95# 16
Jen S. 120# 20
Joyce 35# 48
Megs 115# 24
Laura 95# 22
Tim 175# 32
Steph R. 95# 42
Cindy 123# 20
Kevin 145# 30
Melanie 83# 23

Mini WOD #3 (35#/55#)
10 KB swings, 1 burpee
10 KB swings, 2 burpees
10 KB swings, 3 burpees
10 KB swings, 4 burpees
10 KB swings, 5 burpees
10 KB swings, 6 burpees
10 KB swings, 7 burpees
10 KB swings, 8 burpees
10 KB swings, 9 burpees
10 KB swings, 10 burpees

Kim 11:24
Jen S. 9:44
Joyce 25# 9:14
Megs 8:57
Laura 7:46
Tim 6:05
Sam 5:47
Steph R. 25# 8:21
Kevin 45# 12:15
Melanie 25# 11:24
Cindy 35# 8:43*
*special WOD

Mini WOD #4
500M Row

Kim 1:48
Jen S. 2:16
Joyce 2:21
Megs 2:08
Laura 2:04
Tim 1:48
Steph R. 2:09
Cindy 2:09
Kevin 1:57
Melanie 2:13

You Walk Wrong

Free January:
4:30PM Goal Setting Workshop
5:30PM Gymnastics Fundamentals

"Confidence... thrives on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance. Without them it cannot live."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt


  1. You sneak! I thought they said NO cameras at the BodyWorlds exhibit!

    Great article on the origin and effects of being readily barefoot as much as you can. Explanation is a discovery of strength that builds through the bones in the foot, and the muscles that need to be used but more often are neglected by constantly being wrapped and shielded by shoes and sneakers. Humans were born with complex feet - not air pockets and foam that Nike provides for us. Something to think about...

  2. I was born with high heels on my feet.... ;)
