
CrossFit Harlem comes for a visit...
Thanks to Carlos, Esco, Daphney, Shanon, and Syncere for making the trip!

W.O.D. 11.28.09
The Beach Assault

Row to shore-1000M row
Ascend the cliff-5 rope climbs
Attack the objective-100 burpees and 100 wall balls (14#/20#)
Extract the wounded-50 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (65#/95#) and a 200M Farmers Walk (35/45KB)
Descend the cliff- 5 rope climbs
Extraction-1000M row

*This will be completed in teams of 2. If the number of participants in each class is not even we will determine how many athletes are on each team. One athlete works at a time.

It's almost a direct comparison to 5.1.09, but I added a little extra treat!

(compare to 5.1.09)

"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit."
-Albert Schweitzer

Laura+Gina 34:01
Steph+Nikki 30:59
Cliff+Megs 32:00
Mike F.+Tim P. 31:45
Syn+Aimee 26:20
Carlos+Jill 27:37
Shawn+Daphney 28:34
Kit+Esco 23:36
Shanon+Fergs 28:32


  1. visited Crossfit Ignite in Westwood, NJ. Steve runs a fun place there, very laid back and close knit group. We did:

    4 rounds of:

    Ring dips
    sledgehammer on tire
    Shoot throughs
    Battle ropes
    Tire flips

    45 seconds at each station, 15 seconds rest. Moved to 30 seconds at each station after first round. Shoot throughs were on parallets: do a push up, shoot your legs forward, do a dip, shoot your legs back and repeat. The battle ropes were cool but very taxing. The tire was about 500 lbs. and worth every pound. After the WOD we talked about POSE running and did some drills. (Thanks to Timmy P.)

    There were a bunch of folks that lived down near KOP or had relatives so I told them to stop by if they were ever around. Gotta love that Crossfit community!

  2. Crossfit Ignite:

    Pictures from today:

  3. Big thank you and welcome to CrossFit Harlem. It was good to either see you again or meet you for the first time. Your presence definitely pushed our members to work extremely hard. It was great that we were able to mix up the teams as that is what this community is all about. Syn, I would definitely say that some white people were destroyed, awesome job everyone. Thanks for coming and please come again.

  4. team wods are cool :-)
