
Who are the ladies in the pic???
Welcome Kevin!

W.O.D. 10.2.09
Your choice of Ladies...

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 One legged squats, alternating
15 Pull-ups

The new 4:30 class starts today!!!
Tonight's outing will start at 8PM at Guppy's in Conshohocken...on 2 Maple Street.

"Some people are still unaware that reality contains unparalleled beauties. The fantastic and unexpected, the ever-changing and renewing is nowhere so exemplified as in real life itself."
- Berenice Abbott

Cindy Results:
Sam 25
Granny 16
Doreen 11 (green)
Todd 13
Steph 9 (jump)
Jen S. 9
Scott 13
Tim P. 25
Murph 11
Ray 11
Meg 16
Nikki 16
Lisa 17
Kevin G 8 (blue)
Jim C. 10
Dawn 12 (green/SU)
Dave 7 (green)
Kel 14 (green)
Han 8
Jason 16
Swine 20
Patti 15 (blue)
Gina 13 (black)
Sam B. 21
JZ 15
John K. 12
Liz 12 (blue)
Shawn 16
Chris P 24
Mike F. 13
Mike B. 13
Jeff 14
Nick 11
Joe A. 10
Rob 14
Kristin 14 (band)
Mary Results:
Laura 7
Aimee 10


  1. Good Luck to Meg and Nikki this weekend as they travel to Connecticut this weekend for their Level I cert. Have fun ladies enjoy the experience and make us proud.

  2. Good luck Meg and Nikki!! Have so much fun. I can't wait to hear all about it!!

  3. Props for Ev's Paleo packs. I tried the dry pack and the sun dried tomato pack. The sun dried tomato and jerky pack was very tasty.

  4. Nikki and Meg,
    Not sure how much luck is needed for a Level 1 cert but most definatly bring the listening skills and have as much fun as possible. It's not so much about the "little" workouts you'll do as it is about the theory.

  5. nice Sam

    or should I say, Spealler

  6. Good luck Meg and Nikki!!!

  7. when aim went to the affiliate gathering, some lady was able to do 40 rounds. that is pretty insane if you think about it but possible. sam's first round was sub 30 seconds so she maintains that the entire time. WOW.

    everyone did well this morning.

    pull-ups: POP those hips
    push-ups: DROP down, push up
    squats: Make up your time here, legs are STRONG

  8. Nikki and Meg- Have fun!!! You will be in good hands with Lisbeth and the Watertown crew!

    Ev- lovin the Primal fat packs and buffalo kits too!! Looking forward to the 4:30 class today.

    6AM crew-Great job everyone!! Happy to have Doreen back! Whoo-hoo! No "Mary" attempts?

  9. Jen S - no band!! That's awesome :)

  10. Thanks everyone! We're both SUPER excited for this weekend! Sad to be missing the happy hour though... so drink extra for us!

  11. nikki:

    you didn't tell me you know gunther. he said he is anxious to try. bring him with you!

  12. He's coming Nov 7! Already set it up with Aimee - I'm bringing in a bunch of my running friends. Gunter has been training for the marathon with us. We'll all be in Scranton next weekend for the big day!

  13. Scott, thanks for the Marine Corps push brother! I was gonna be satisfied with a new PR at 10, but you pushed over the wall for #11. Much obliged, and good to have you back.

    Welcome Kevin and nice job! Awesome form on that squat. Hang in there, it is worth it. You get better every day.

  14. Ray, any time brother. Semper Fi. You are a true motivation
