
Our Noon CrossFitters...
W.O.D. 10.1.09
"A hero WOD"
In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.

Five rounds for time of:
155/105 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
155/105 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
155/105 pound Push jerk, 6 reps

The Biggest Loser Hoax from Mark's Daily Apple.

"The one unchangeable certainty is that nothing is certain or unchangeable."
- John F. Kennedy

Sam Rx 15:51
Aimee 100# 14:20
Jen S. 75# 14:56
Doreen 65# 16:24
Dave 95# 16:56
Tom 125# 17:21
Jeff 115# 17:30
Lisa 95# 20:12
Scott 115# 13:24
Ray 105# 16:57
Jim 115# 15:12
Dan 125# 13:24


  1. Tim and Kit, I think this article talks to you guys ("athletes who can't live without Gatorade or people needing their soda")


  2. and for those looking to continue the no sugar/no carb challenge, but want to drink (esp. for Friday) here you go! One of the drinks mentioned? Crown Royal


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Chris, the link didn't work for the alcholic "non-Sugar" drink. I have cut out simple sugars from my diet (for the most part)on my own and loving it...i'm curious about that drink.

  5. make sure you copy the whole link, some of it is on the next line

  6. Nice article chris, I've found many of the daily apple article interesting. Seemingly having satisfying results also from the no sugar challenge also makes me too want to continue the changes in diet and nutrition. Like Mike F said, a nice handful of mixed nuts and almonds are a great snack to ease any temptations until the next meal :)

  7. Doreen!!!!!!!!

    Welcome back homegirl!

  8. here you go Steph, hopefully this one works!


  9. Thanks Chris that worked! I wish there was a non-carbonated mixer option. maybe a little cranberry juice. I wonder if bars use "cranberry juice cocktail" (with added sugar)or regular cranberry juice?

  10. Steph - I'd wager ANYTHING that bars use cranberry juice cocktail... basically sugar water colored with dye! Drink it sparingly! The best option when you go out to bars is so sip on a glass on red wine, if you'd enjoy that

  11. Stephanie,

    Most all bars use cranberry juice cocktail which is loaded with sugar. Your best bet is to use club soda, with a non flavored vodka or spirit and sweeten with lemon, orange and maybe some lime. I drink Stoli O with water and lots of lemon and orange wedges, I can't drink plain vodka.

  12. Great Job today Doreen! I was so glad to see you :)

  13. Hello Friends,

    My 18 year nephew and his girlfriend are due to have a beautiful baby boy on January 13th, 2010. However, due to the recent theft of all the money he and his girlfriend have saved, they are now left starting from scratch, with nothing to provide for their unborn son. My nephew is devastated and has no words to describe the hurt that he feels, especially since the person that stole all their savings was a member of his own family. In an effort to help him replace the money, and get the items the baby will need, I am starting a collection box. If anyone has any unwanted baby boy items or clothing that they would like to donate it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post.

  14. I guess it might just mean bringing my own mixer or straight shots! (i previously had gastric bypass surgery and carbonation is painful to drink).

    May favorite drink is a long island iced tea, a whole bunch if liquor and just a squirt of soda..couldn't be too much sugar, right? :-) lol

  15. Thanks Jen and Jason. I'm soo happy to be back!!

  16. Did this one at school today. 135lb in 18:36. Harder than it looks. I started out with 155lb, but had to drop down. Great Job Sam.

  17. so i finally believe that these 6am classes really happen. I thought it was all a lie ;)
