
Giving Back...

I had the opportunity to visit Steve's Club yesterday to coach 8 kids from the Leap Academy Charter School.
The workout of the day for the kids was "CrossFit Baseball."

The CF baseball version I created for them involved a medicine ball at each base of the diamond. Two kids face off from opposing teams and must run to each ball and perform 10 reps of a select exercise (1st base - squats, 2nd base - pushups, 3rd base - mountain climbers) before sprinting home for a run. First team to finish with all players scoring a home run wins.
I was extremely inspired after leaving Steve's Club yesterday and have a new goal...to lay the groundwork for a similar program for the youth in Norristown and Bridgeport PA.


  1. That is so cool, Aimee! Thanks for sharing. It was be amazing to bring that to the Norristown/Bridgeport Area.

  2. that is awesome!! I would be interested in helping with that...so let me know :-)

  3. That's a great idea! My uncle runs the Patrician Society at St Pat's in Norristown. He works with food drives etc. He probably has some contacts.

  4. I'd love to help out also in anyway. Crossfit is usually something more for yourself so its good to see we can be more aware of the world around us.

  5. Count me in too! I would love ot help out in anyway possible.

  6. You go girl! Let me know how I can help!!
