
Tim, Ed and Patti...the many faces of "Fran"!

W.O.D. 8.6.09
Barbell Thrusters (65#/95#)

Coach Jeff Martin (CrossFit Kids/CrossFit Brand X) has some words on intensity that are certain to up your game and lower your times . . .
Continue reading "WEDNESDAY 090805"

Highlights from Keegan's first Fran as rx'd (wmv) (mov)

"In our nature, however, there is a provision, alike marvelous and merciful, that the sufferer should never know the intensity of what he endures by its present torture, but chiefly by the pang that rankles after it."
-Nathaniel Hawthorne

Aimee 4:15 Rx
Sam 5:14 Rx
Tim P. 6:27 Rx
Shawn 7:17 Rx
Granny 9:34 Rx
Steph 14:20 almost Rx
Ray 16:36 Rx
Nicole 20:43 almost Rx
Meg 60# (blue) 10:42
Joe D. (blue) 10:37
John K 85# 13:24
Patti 45# (green) 11:55
Ed 85# (blue) 12:25


  1. I uploaded a bunch of pictures to the action gallery on www.crossfitkop.com or http://www.crossfitkop.com/actionGallery.aspx


  2. you could defintely rock 65# meg! you are getting stronger everytime i see you!

    nice pics aim! i love jen in her hootchie heels!

  3. fran and gran just don't mix! ughhhh!

  4. Thanks, Han! Granny - you love some thrusters

  5. I think that its day 11 of the pull ups did 11 at work with our 40lbs of gear. Much fun. Hope to get to the WOD tomorrow at 12

    Nice times Girls.
    Steph looking good almost Rxd Congrats
    Aimee your an animal
    Meg your amazing keep your head up
    Gran I hope Im half as athletic when I get to your age of 30.

    Oh yeah good job Sam

  6. nice job everyone, I wish the Villanova gym was open today so I could have done this one...silly maintenance day

    Three rounds for time of:
    21 L-Pull-ups
    15 ft. L-rope climb, 3 ascents

    1st round pullups - 0:59
    1st round climbs - 4:37*
    2nd round pullups - 4:51**
    2nd round climb - 4:25
    3rd round pullups - 4:05
    3rd round climb - 2:41

    total: 21:41

    *spent about 60 seconds seriously debating whether or not to continue
    ** spent about 45 seconds tying my shirt to my ankle to prevent rope burn

    Lesson of the day: not all ropes are created equal.

    The rope was about an inch thicker than at Crossfit KOP and I couldn't get a good grip, so I had to use my feet a lot. DOH!

    Day 11 Burpees

    Scott, where do you work?

  7. oh snap! (did that line just bring you back 10 years?)

    I just realized it was supposed to be L-sit rope climbs, not just rope climbs. Holy smokes, there's no way I could have done those.

  8. Great FRAN times, sorry I missed it today, its been awhile since I've done FRAN, and great pics Aim.

    Day 11 burpee challenge - its odd doing burpees everyday. To fit them in I've already had to do them in a dress, on the beach, in my front yard in the grass, in my living room...

  9. Did this one today at school. 12:16 RX. This was my first ever Crossfit workout back in February. I think I did it in 11 minutes and something but with 65lbs. and the green band. Wow how things have changed. Thanks Aimee, Jason, and everyone in the the box for all the encouragement. Day 11 of the burpie challenge is done.

  10. Laura, your post about doing burpees everywhere reminded me of Dr. Seuss so I did some editing to the famous "Green Eggs and Ham." See below for the full poem:


  11. Chris that was awesome! Lol thanks for the laughs! :)

  12. Well, FRAN handed me my own ass today, thanks Franny boy.
    Chris P must be bored today, no?

  13. Burpees first thing in the morning (bad idea!), in my office, in the living room, in the box before a WOD, in the box after a WOD (another bad idea)...

  14. thanks Tim. yes, I am a loser. haha

  15. I was ravenous for protein today and double ravenous after Fran. 30g Whey protein shake for breakfast, 4 hard boiled egg whites pre-Fran, 4 Sardines from Michael's Deli post Fran, 30g protein MET-RX no sugar bar an hour later, large Paleo Kit an hour after that, and 4 Cod Fillets for dinner. I threw in some veggies and a couple of handfulls of nuts as well. What is up with that? Must have something do with all the bear crawls. It's a fur bearing carnivore thing.
