
From the Philadelphia Inquirer-Personal Health: News and Notes.

Brisk exercise is better to ward off cancer.

When it comes to preventing cancer, going for a brisk jog may do more good than taking a leisurely stroll.
The benefits of regular physical activity - including better cardiovascular health, decreased risk for many types of cancer, and lower overall mortality - have long been recognized. But, according to a new study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, it's not just the amount, but also the intensity of exercise that matters.
The study - which followed 2,500 middle-aged Finnish men with no prior history of cancer for an average of 17 years - found that those who participated in more intense activities, such as running, skiing, or playing a competitive sport, had a lower incidence of death from cancer than those who chose mellower alternatives, such as fishing, yard work, or walking.

-Karen Knee

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