
A sneek peek of the new box...(32 Pull-up bars)
... and the map to the new box.
These maps have been copied and are available at the box this week.
The new address is 200 DeKalb St. Bridgeport Pa, 19405.

We will keep you posted on our official MOVING day!

Directions from the current box:
1) Turn left on to DeKalb
2) Turn Right on to 4th st. (Rt. 23) (WaWa will be on right)
3) Turn left on to Mill St.
4) Turn left on to Front St.
5) Turn left on to DeKalb, proceed to the dead end, make a right, travel around building to parking lot on the left of 200 DeKalb.

*This is a circuitous route, once the bridge is open in late Sept/early October you will just travel straight on DeKalb and make a left at 200 DeKalb.

Please ask any and all questions! This is an amazing space and we will be one of the biggest affiliates on the East Coast, so get excited!


  1. This is a stone's throw from Upper Merion Boat Club where they do "real" rowing. It is no more that 1/4 mile up river from the falls. Awesome. We need a boat crew for the next reggata.

  2. I am off Friday so I am available any time.

  3. So, my friends and I were thinking after we went to check out the box today, that you're move out should become a WOD.

    Divvy up all the weights among teams of 3 or 4 and have them transport the weights from the current box to the new box...for time of course....Oh i'm so sorry to be torturing you guys from a distance, but i hope this goes down.

    It was great to be home. I'll see y'all before you know it. I'll bring my buddies back too, they loved it. Jill, Christmas can come a few times this year. Little black dress and stilettos might be the appropriate garb next time, since it will be after labor day by the time i come back.

  4. The new place looks awesome - Tim and I rode by and said Hi to Aimee's Dad on Sunday (and resisted the urge to try some of the 32 pull up bars). We're going to be away for the move so good luck & I can't wait to see it when we come back!

  5. Kit, Can Marines wear little black dresses and stilettos after Labor Day, or is that out of uniform?

  6. Kit...deal if and only if all marines work out with their shirts off during the WOD's.
