
Kit was home for a visit this weekend with some fellow Marines, Victor, Robert and Greg; thanks for the visit to CrossFit KoP!

W.O.D. 8.17.09
Three rounds of:
30 Glute-ham sit-ups
25 Back extensions

Additional Strength:
Deadlift 5-5-5-5
*In every WOD going forward I will be adding a strength component, it is your choice to decide how you feel prior to or after the WOD and whether you will complete that component of the class. It is not required and will not be replaced for the Class WOD, but it is a supplement that can be performed before or after the class to increase strength and athleticism.

Don't forget, the No Sugar/Paleo challenge which will start September 1st, details will follow shortly. Evan and I will present our CrossFit KoP Sugar rules and regulations for the challenge...so stay posted.

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but instead will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
-Thomas Edison

Curtin 245
Miranda 200
Nikki 175
Jon ?
Lisa 220
Aimee 220
Nicole 175
Shawn 245
Jen S. 175
Charlie 245
Jeff ?
Steph 205
Kelly 145
Nick 185
Chris S. 315
Brian 185
Trisha 115
Cindy 195
Liz 125
Granny 175

Level 2 WOD:
This WOD was gotten from CrossFit Hampton Roads: It was the lovely Nicole Gordon's Birthday WOD. I had the honor of competing next to Nicole at the Regional Qualifier, getting to know her better at the Level 2 Certification in Montclair and cheering her on in Aromas....I figured no better way than to honor her accomplishments than to celebrate with her birthday WOD.
Entire WOD for time:
3 rounds
8 burpee (jump 1' higher than full standing extension)
17 full squat snatch (75/45)
3 rounds
1 muscle-up
9 wallball shots to 11' target (above the line) 20#/14# (20# for nicole)
7 OHS (75/45)
9 pushups
300 doubleunders
Aimee 21:00 (Rx)
Swine 25:39 80# (Rx)
Sam 28:55 (sub MU)
Han 33:37 (sub MU)
Lisa 32:44 (sub MU)
Jason 35:45 (sub MU)
Joe A. 83:57 (Rx)*
Gooooo Joe!!! Add him to the Muscle Up Club, he did one pre WOD and the three required in the WOD, way to fight Joe!!! Awesome accomplishment! King Kong is your next feat!


  1. The pink Chucks amongst the Jarheads is a very nice touch. Damn, I missed the photo op!

  2. Bulldog's ass was an even better touch!!!!

  3. The three fellas on the left look real intimidating.

    I just wanted to say I feel the additional strength component is awesome I've been reading about how important strength work is and how the top crossfitters are mad strong i.e. Josh Everett. Our affiliate is going to be the strongest on the east coast.

  4. Intimidating? Hell yeah,bro. And that is without an M-16,bayonet,and Kabar. That's just how we roll. Scares the shit out of the riff raf.

  5. Yeah...we're pretty much amazing...you dont need to remind us
