
Thanks for the Pull-up bars Dad!
(...and the ropes, and rings, wall ball targets, leader boards and mats.)
We couldn't do it with out you!

W.O.D. 8.18.09
Run 3/4 Mile
5 rounds of "backwards Cindy"
(15 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 5 Squats)
Run 3/4 Mile

Power Clean

We are NOT moving this Friday...but don't be surprised to see the class motivate to the new space for some WOD's in the up coming week. All classes will originate at 1010 DeKalb. To make the long story short, we need an ADA ramp (handicap accessible) entrance to the building, before we can get the "use and occupancy permit" to operate out of the new space and we are at the mercy of PenDot and the construction of the bridge. Hang tight, details to follow.

"Perfection is impossible. However, striving for perfection is not. Do the best you can under the conditions that exist. That is what counts."
-John Wooden

Power Clean Results:

Jeff 135
Lisa 130
Steph 105
Trisha ?
Sam ?
Miranda 120
Jason 210
Charlie 185
John K 105
Nikki 115
Swine 155
Jim C. 185
Dan 185
Laura 95
Tim P. 135
Gina 45
Maggie 45
Meg 75
Jen S. 95
Granny 95
Mike F. 190
Nick 95
Kristin 85


  1. I'll carry the chalk bucket :-)

  2. Oh yeah, and if you need a band you must carry that on the run :-)

  3. So the new box is 3/4 miles from the old box?

  4. Don't you touch my chalk bucket you don't know her like I do. We have a unspoken love that can only be understood through pull-ups ring dips.

  5. once the bridge is up the new box is a 1/2 mile, but we must take a detour around the bridge to get there.

  6. so sad to miss this WOD :( i will think of you all while im at the OAR concert......hands off the black band....lol

  7. vacation was great but I definitely felt it on this wod

    run 1: 4:40
    round 1: 1:34
    round 2: 1:29
    round 3: 1:31
    round 4: 1:49
    round 5: 1:33
    run 2: 5:40

    total: 18:19

    Day 23 of Burpees
