
Rob Miller, owner of CrossFit Delaware Valley (PA), nails some double-unders during the lunchtime Trainer WOD at a recent CrossFit Level One Certification at CrossFit South Brooklyn (NY). The WOD was 5 Rounds of 7 Handstand Push-ups and 30 Double unders! Rob is an outstanding Level 2 trainer ...goooo Rob!!

W.O.D. 8.16.09
Max Thrusters
Max Double Unders (4 attempts)


CrossFit Zone (Canada) gets TV coverage for training some ultra marathoners: Video.

There is a CrossFit kids class at 11:00AM today!

"We were born to unite with our fellow men, and to join in community with the human race."

Thruster/Double Unders
Greg 145 x2/1
Robert 135/0
Kit 170/47
Vic 175/0
Jim C. 165/26
Sam 175/32
Aimee 110/77
Swine 155/80
Nikki 110/23
Meg 75/?
Nikki 110/?
Jason 185x1/70


  1. Did this at home:

    3X12 220# Bench Press
    3X10 50# Cable Flys
    3X15 Bench Dips

    Then: 21-15-9
    Squats w/ 35# KB alternate L&R
    Pull Ups
    500 Meter Rows between rounds
    Total Time: 19:31
    500 M Splits 1:33/1:49/1:45

    I will be heading up to Syracuse then Green Bay through next Sunday, so I should be back in the box the following week. WODs on the road and maybe some drop ins to visit some other boxes.

  2. Got 195 x 3 Thruster, but only 16 DU... I stink at them, need to work on them. Shea loved WOD for kids.. thanks..

  3. Jason- Awesome Thruster work! I'm so glad Shea enjoyed the CFKids class today, it was a good one. Thanks for bringing him out for the fun!
