
The NEW signs are up!!!!

W.O.D. 8.28.09
4 Rounds for time of:
Row 250 M
20 Deadlifts (body weight)
20 Box Jumps

Double Bodyweight Deadlifts, Dutch and Boz ...[wmv][mov]

...at 7:30 PM, everyone is welcome...We will have a little celebration/party to launch the "NO Sugar Challenge" for the month of September. Evan and I will be talking about Paleo/Primal/Zone/No Sugar and the components of the challenge. For the party, bring anything you like to drink, eat or splurge on.

There's no ceiling in life. You can soar as high as you're willing to try.

Sam 20:17
Meg 27:27
Han 28:47
Jim 30:47
Mike F. 26:45
Scott 15:35
Lisa 20:44
Aimee 16:09
Jason 28:16
Chris P. 16:45
Kristin 23:23
Kelly 21:07
Swine 17:22
JZ 18:28
Jeff 19:05
Cindy 21:36
Jason W. 13:28
Todd 21:26
Trisha 18:44
Jen S. 22:02
Granny 17:04
Nick 25:45
Nikki 21:15

*a variety of weight and box height was used, not indicated above.


  1. So class is at the new place or the old place?

  2. Everyone left this morning before I had a chance to say good job. I know you all read this, so GOOD JOB!

  3. Those signs are awesome!!! I love that it's where the movie showings would be. I love it!
