
Post WOD Ponder.
"What do you think about?"

W.O.D. 8.27.09
5 Rounds for time of:
7 Handstand Push-ups
30 Double Unders

Friday night, August 28th at 7:30 PM, everyone is welcome...We will have a little celebration/party to launch the "NO Sugar Challenge" for the month of September. Evan and I will be talking about Paleo/Primal/Zone/No Sugar and the components of the challenge. For the party, bring anything you like to drink, eat or splurge on. The location of the party will be determined based on the progress of the sidewalk in front of the new box. I will keep you posted. I apologize for not knowing more, but we are at the mercy of the fine gentlemen at Penn-Dot and the amount of work they do daily.

If you are still interested in the "MAT the BOX" campaign, just let Aimee or Jason know. $40 to own your own mat and get to personalize a mat to be hung on the wall.

Labor Day is upon us...enjoy the end of your summer...and the two rest days. We are going to be closed for the Holiday, Sunday September 6th and Monday September 7th for the Labor day holiday. Normal classes will resume on Tuesday.


Set your sights on your potential, not your problems. You'll be amazed at what you see.


  1. Can box jumps ever be a sub for double unders?? :)

  2. hey guys, I'm going to sign up for the ING Distance Run on Sept. 20th in case anyone else was thinking about it and wants positive peer pressure. I know it's a little late in the game to train, but Crossfit is all about gpp right?! (general physical preparedness)

  3. I'm signed up too Chris! You should have no problems getting ready for it! If u want suggestions on how to train this late in the game, I can throw u some ideas.

  4. oh, and i'm pretty sure i was pondering, "why the heck was i having such a hard time with those hang power cleans?!?" they were frustrating me!

  5. I'm not able to do the ING run but a few of my friends and I are going to do the Phila Marathon in Nov. If anyone is doing so as well maybe we can do some training together. A little worried about running alone these days.
