
W.O.D. 7.28.09
Run 800M
10 Push-ups
10 Ring Dips
10 Hang Power Snatch (75#/115#)
10 WallBalls (14#/20# to 10ft target)
10 KB Swings (45#/70#)
10 Burpees
10 Sit-ups
Run 800M


Jason is now offering private/semi-private rowing lessons at CrossFit KoP. We now have 5 Rowers so we can accommodate up to 5 athletes per session. Take this opportunity to be trained by the second place finisher in the Inaugural 2009 Bridgeport Classic Games.
Contact Jason or Aimee for further details.

Private Session Rates:
$30 for 30 minutes or $60 for 60 minutes
Group Session Rates (2-5 Athletes)
$15 per person for 30 minutes/$40 per person for 60 minutes

"Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character."
-Albert Einstein

Curin 18:25
Jill 14:43
Kelly 18:17
Jen S. 15:51
John 17:10
Charlie 14:18
Meg 16:45
Tim P. 11:56
Jason 14:05
Ed 18:25
Keith 15:59
Steph 14:40
Miranda 17:15
Paul 12:45
Granny 16:55
Tim M. 16:59
Han 18:31
Chris S. 17:42
Cindy 19:15
Mike B. 15:06
Nick 16:56


  1. Great article. The writer is either a Marine, or at least he thinks like one.

    "Adapt, overcome, and bust your ass at whatever you happen to be doing — even if it wasn’t in your plan — and everything else will take care of itself."

    Words to live by.

    Tuesday's WOD looks like fun!

  2. mainsite: Death by Clean and Jerk

    With a continuously running clock do one 135 pound Clean and Jerk the first minute, two 135 pound Clean and Jerks the second minute, three 135 pound Clean and Jerks the third minute… continuing as long as you are able.

    used 115# and did 6 minutes + 5 C&Js (33 total)

    then backsquats
    3x5 @ 135#

    then Day 2 of Burpee Challenge

  3. Note to self ... do NOT try and do burpees in your office while wearing dress paints and heels!

  4. Chris- Good Stuff!

    Cindy- But did you get your 2 in? That's all that matters...I told Curin to do them in her office today too; not sure her 4 inch heels would make for good burpee, but non the less, the burpee challenge is on!

  5. I wore a skirt today. Clearly I wasnt thinking of burpees this morning :(

  6. Yup, Aimee I did get my 2 in although I think I should ask for extra "style points" for my outfit! LOL!!

  7. Hey Aimee,
    Thanks for the good press!

    Here's another workout your crew might be interested in:


    Not a Marine, but an ex-Navy, Texas State athlete. Maybe some of the marine attitude rubbed off while I was in the service? :)

  8. Keith,

    A brother warrior nonetheless.

    Your site is now bookmarked in my favorites. Great stuff, and that stadium WOD was off the charts.

