
Another REMINDER...the Sugar Blues free lecture is August 3rd, that's next Monday from 7:30-9:00PM

Free Seminar:Monday August 3rd 7:30-9:00PM - "Sugar Blues" (Figure out why you crave sweets, understand why and gain control without deprivation.)
All are welcome, CrossFit KoP members, non-members, neighboring affiliates or blog followers. Barbara Paolone, Certified Holistic Health Counselor will be offering a free seminar on Monday August 3rd at CFKoP. The Level 2 WOD which normally occurs on Monday August 3rd will be moved to Tuesday August 4th at 7:30 to accommodate our guest speaker.


  1. although we obviously haven't heard the seminar yet, I would love to see more lectures/talks! Anything to expand and improve our Crossfit/nutrition knowledge. Free doesn't hurt either!

  2. Chris- I've got one for you this Friday, hope you can make it. Stay tuned, working on the post now :)
