
Tom 225 x3
Steph 205 x 1
First time Deadlifters above...with some solid PRs!

W.O.D. 7.02.09
Deadlift 101:
We will form teams depending on the amount of athletes at each class, warm up and practice the deadlift with PVC until everyone is "pretty". Each athlete of each team will roll through a 5 rep round at 65 pounds. After everyone has excellent form at 65 pounds, each athlete will perform 3 reps at 95 pounds. We will assume now that everyone is still looking "good" we will load the bar with 135 pounds; Athletes will then come to the bar one at a time and perform ten reps rotating through until each athlete has completed 5 sets of 10 reps each at 135 pounds. Today nothing other than perfect form can be tolerated. Remember painstaking attention to your technique will be amply rewarded for years...We will be "rehabilitating" athletes today, if someone has intractably bad technique they need to be segregated and sent back to the broomstick, then 65 pounds, then 95 pounds with great technique before being allowed to return to the group.
At the end of Deadlift 101...if perfect form has been executed you will attempt a new "PERFECT FORM" 3 Rep Max on your Deadlift.

Sevan and Carey filmed Ricky trying out a CrossFit Football WOD known as "Tillman". The hero workout in Pat Tillman's honor consists of seven rounds for time of:
7 Deadlifts (315#)
1 Full Gasser
15 Pullups
45 second rest between rounds.

Ricky weighs 150lbs, but is able to push through all seven brutal rounds. At the end of the workout, he talks about his mindset and how tough the WOD really was.
Ricky Frausto - workout ... [wmv] [mov]

"By concentrating on precision, one arrives at technique, but by concentrating on technique one does not arrive at precision."
-Bruno Walter

Steph 205 x1
Sam 315 x3
Tom 225 x3
Lisa 215 x3
Paul 305 x3
Dan 285x3
Han 265x2
TimM 455x1
Adam 300x3
JenB 195x3
Chris 350x3
Nicole 210x3
Devin 285x1
Aimee 235x1


  1. so, we rip a big gasser in between the deadlift and pullups...should be no problem for scott!

  2. Only "Full" Gassers shall be executed while pulling the deadlift.

    Half-assed Gassers will NOT be tolerated.

  3. I'm upset I'm missing deadlift form practice!

  4. Frausto is a Pit Bull.

    Aimee, do you think Dave Castro would buy off on that last set of deads as meeting the standard, or was Ricky playing it off the bounce?

  5. ray, i wondered that too.
    i also noticed that he dropped the weight at the top in his last round and did not set the weight down. which would not have been counted according to standards now. I don't know if he does that in the other rounds bc it only shows clips. just a thought.
    either way, he's a beast and i'd be scared to train with him.

  6. cristy phillips slammed the weights down during the dead du wod at the qualifiers and each counted...in the movie, the guy drops it (takes hands off the bar) and then catches it. I think you can drop it down as long as your hands stay on the bar. that is what christy was doing and they liked it. i did not watch the vid so i dont know if his hands come off the bar.

  7. Way to go Sam! Nice numbers for a guy who "can't deadlift". Watching the Tillman video, I just thought how killer that would be at our box. The "gasser", which in football terms is really a 200 yard shuttle run going from sideline to sideline 4 times, would mean running up the hill after completing the deadlifts. Legs would feel like rubber.

  8. Ray- since you asked...In my opinion...the "bounce" on the DL is different than the "bounce" on a clean and jerk (and was allowed at the regional qualifier (as Jason mentioned)...I think provided you don't take your hands off the bar). But yea, in 'Every Second Counts' when Matt Murski catches it on the bounce after the bar has already jumped about two feet into the air...NOT so good.

    And Han is correct, Ricky's last rep didn't count...I know from experience on that one :)

    Ricky is a beast, I've got some money on him to be up there with the big boys at the games...I'm so stoked, it still hasn't really kicked in that I get to watch these guys (and gals) live...should be a blast. I'll send updates throughout the weekend.

    In regards to class schedule when I'm in Aromas 7/9-7/13, all classes will run as scheduled except the 12:00 Noon Thurs/Fri, 9:30AM Mon and CFKids class on Sunday...but I'll post details on Monday for the week.

  9. Doug, you'll like this one:

    "The Iron never lies to you. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But 200 pounds is always 200 pounds." - Henry Rollins

    Awesome lifts for the morning crew!

  10. Oh and I neglected to point out Sam's new flashy shorts in the background...must be discount day at he Paddock if you wear green shorts...?

  11. In regard to some deadlift standards. Obviously that last dropped deadlift should not count. One of the qualifiers made the standard on the deadlift that the judge had to see 8 fingers at the bottom of the deadlift. This prevents someone from "playing the bounce"...if this isnt clarified though, I think it's fair game to play the bounce on the deadlift (more of a metcon aspect than strictly strength)

  12. and Ricky makes a good point in his post on the Games page too...

  13. Noon results-
    Dan 285x3
    Han 265x2
    TimM 455x1
    Adam 300x3
    JenB 195x3
    Chris 350x3
    Nicole 210x3
    Devin 285x1
    Aimee 235x1

  14. wow, great job everyone. those are some big numbers! i gotta get going on my deadlifts...!

  15. dev, you definitely pushed me today. thanks, i hope to lift with you some more in the future!

    timmy, awesome lifts today, i'm glad you didn't drop a gasser on the floor when you lifted 455lbs!

  16. Wow girls - serious work today! Guys too....Tim 455!

  17. Hannah and Devin - IMPRESSIVE!!! You girls are so strong. I can def say I always benchmark to get to your level someday!

  18. Ladies - don't you know lifting heavy weights makes you look bulky and buff. Do you want that? I recommend lessening the weights..lol

    Tim M nice job...I remember back at the FAC I was paired with you for a deadlift strength day and you were doing 135 for form for all the sets. In less than a year your at 455...me and you 500 by the end of this year.

  19. thanks joe, i can't believe it either. absolutely 500! we are on our way.

    han says thanks joe for the information, she was only hoping to get toned!
