
W.O.D. 7.01.09
The Handler 98 Birthday Burpee Bash!!!!
Happy Birthday Jeff!!! You may ask why 98? Jeff's not 98 years old...only 49 years young, right?? Well, Cindy just had a birthday too on June 10th...and the Handler's specifically wanted to make it a Birthday Bash and celebrate together...but what they don't know is what else I have in store.
Jeff and Cindy- Happy Birthday, your dedication and perseverance inspires everyone who gets to workout side by side with you both everyday! Thank you for being part of our family at CFKoP!

For Time complete:
98 Burpees
98 Kettlebell swings (35#/55#)
98 Push Press (35#/45#)
98 Sit-ups
98 Back Extensions


Friday Classes- 7:00AM or 12:00PM ONLY there will be a team WOD at both classes!!!

"It's about doing what you set out to do."
-Lance Mackey, winner of the Iditarod in 2007, 2008 and 2009

Lisa 24:04
Paul 23:10
Han 24:30
Jim 35:10
Sam 19:12
Mike F. 30:37
Mike M. 18:46
Joe D. 44:01
Tim M. 38:10
Patti 28:37
Justin 27:47
Devin 27:05
Kelly 32:14
Dan 28:37
Aimee 16:32
Miranda 28:33
Mike B. 28:32
Jason L. 31:18
Tim P. 19:13
Steph 30:40
Meg 26:32
Jon 28:13
Nikki 27:02
Kristin 32:32
Jen B. 32:29
Cindy 26:32
Jeff 22:50
Laura 19:29
Doug 30:30


  1. happy birthdays jeff and cindy! LOVE THIS IDEA!!

  2. this is what i like to call a chipper.

    if i am fresh:

    98 burpees: 9:00 minutes
    98kbs: 5:00 minutes
    98pp: 5:00 minutes
    98 su: 5:00 minutes
    98 be: 3:00 minutes

    so i am looking at 30 plus minutes for this beast

  3. Happy Birthday Jeff & Cindy!

    There is only one strategy for this one:

    JUST BEGIN!!!!

  4. jas, just finished the wod. i know you can get sub 25 minutes on this wod...definitely! its a chipper but once you get through the burpees it is smoooooth sailing from there!

    Happy Birthday Jeff and Cindy!! May the next 98 years be stronger than the first 98! love you guys! :)

  5. Happy Birthday Jeff & Cindy!!!!

  6. Happy Birthday Cindy and Jeff. You are inspiring to us all. Have fun tonight. Eileen

  7. Happy Birthday Jeff and Cindy! Killer WOD today, too bad I have softball tonight :( Pray for rain!

  8. Damn you Handlers! This looks brutal!! Have a wonderful birthday you crazy kids!! You guys kick ass!

  9. As if 98 burpees wasn't enough. Only you two could take this to the extreme!

    Can't wait...really...I mean that

  10. How do you do the back extensions?

  11. Jason, it is definitely a "chipper". I was just over 30 minutes so comparing our times in other WOD I think you will do under 30. I am looking for a sub 25 from you. Good Luck.

  12. Happy Birthday(s) Handlers! I hope that in 15 years I (and my wifey) will be as active and happy as you two. Hope you'll be there at 5:15.

    Also: Finally, some back extensions!

  13. Happy Birthday Jeff and Cindy! You've both been so welcoming and inspiring to me. Thanks for everything!

    Aimee - can we break this WOD into shorter rounds, up or do we have to do all 98 burpees first, then move on from there? I like the idea of 7 rounds of 14 of each exercise...

  14. Miranda- Back extensions, lay face down on the floor, hands behind head extend upper body off the ground.

    Nikki- Nice try...all 98 burpees must be completed first before moving to the next exercise!

  15. 98 burpees before moving on? You know, Aimee, when you post an article about youngsters not wanting to become broken down old folks, you should have pity on those of us who are already old, grey, and decayed.

  16. Nikki - see you at 5:15 for this party?

    Would cupcakes be unacceptable?

  17. Happy Birthday Jeff and Cindy!
    I want to thank you both...because I'm not sure I know which way is up right now, as I'm still a little delirious after this workout, which I did at noon. :)

    Sorry I couldn't do it with you tonight. Have fun!!

  18. granny where are you?!?!?!

  19. OK, I am pulling up the rear here at home, but I guess somebody has to be last. I think this is one best shared with others.

    Time: 50:46

    Had to take my time on the burpees, but the hammy tolerated it well. My goal was to finish it and I did. Used a 35# KB.

    Happy B-Day kids!!

    Oh, by the way, my birthday is on July 7......age 48!!!

  20. Cindy and I just want to thank everyone for coming out or doing the WOD at other venues and supporting us in our impending dotage. Strong work by everyone for a tough workout, and thanks (?) to Aimee for putting this symphony of evil together. We really love being part of the CrossFit KoP family!

    PS Kumbaya, Doug.

  21. Hannah...i'm here but i'm confused, what's going on here??!!!
