
A few things...and a quick note on "Toning"
To be serious about strength training you should eliminate the word "tone" from your vocabulary. Lifting a tiny weight for a hundred reps is a waste of time and never really stresses your muscles enough to make them much stronger. There is no such thing as "toning". There is muscle mass, strength gain and fat loss...that's it! In technical terms, "tone" refers to the ability of the central nervous system to provide passive muscular resistance to being stretched. What you probably think of as toned are merely muscles not hidden by a lot of body fat!! So in other words don't waste your time on little weights, go ahead step it up...the harder it is the stronger you get!
Post to comments:
1. Who is planning to come on the 4th of July?
2. What class are you coming to on Friday? Do you all have off? Is anyone still in for the 6AM or 7AM or are you sleeping in....Just wanted to get an idea.


  1. I'll be coming for the noon class on friday and most likely saturday around the same time perhaps.

    I don't want to tone but I want to have the body of a dancer. J/K

  2. i am tbd on friday but it surely will NOT be an early class if i go since i plan on doing all 4 on saturday.

    so, i will be there early on saturday and start my own painstorm.

  3. No class for me on Friday - I'm doing a long run around 8:30am if anyone wants in.

    I'll be there Saturday, probably not for the rowing WOD but hopefully for the other 3. And definately for the Whole Foods! Woo woo!

  4. I have to work on friday so I wont be at any of them. But I am a guarantee for Saturday. Id like to hit all of them, As long as I can shower at someones house after and before the festivities begin.

  5. Thanks guys and gals..keep posting because if there's not going to be anyone for the AM classes, I'll just have a 12:00 Noon WOD and it will be a Team WOD.

  6. Friday I am in for either 11 or noon. Saturday, I am not sure yet...

  7. God Is sure love a 635pm Aimee. Since mostly everyone has off and I have to work :)

  8. Im off Friday, and will be going to either the 11 or 12. Saturday I will be down the shore.

  9. no friday here...but first 3 wods on saturday

  10. Aimee -
    We will be out of town this weekend, so I won't be at the Friday AM class or Saturday. Enjoy the holiday weekend!

  11. Likely 11 AM for Jeff and I on Friday and definitely at least one of the WODs on Saturday. We're in for the party as well!

  12. PS -- We could also make the 12 PM class on Friday so if there are no other takers for 11 AM, Aimee, please go ahead and schedule what works best for you and the others. We're flexible!

  13. My goal is to do a Team WOD on Friday, so after tonight's poll, I think we are going to do a 7:00AM and 12:00PM class on Friday!!!

  14. 7 for me on friday and 4th of july.

  15. I will be at the 7 Aimee on Fri, Jen and I are out for the 4th festivities

  16. im planning on the 7am wod on friday. 4th not sure of plans yet. will let you know!

  17. i'll be down the shore friday and saturday but i'll be back in philly Sat night - we are having a party at our house (upper roxborough area) so if the CrossFit party dies out you guys can always join us! (seriously!)

  18. The Surrichio's will be there at noon Thursday and Friday. We plan on doing a couple of the wods on the 4th. We might be there for the party, not too sure yet.

  19. I am in for 7 am on Friday. Chris and I might try a couple of wods on Saturday. Might be there for the party...not sure yet.
