
REMINDER-Tomorrow's classes are at 7:00AM and 12:00Noon ONLY!
Be prepared for a team WOD.
I would recommend not wearing your "Sunday best" and would select pants over shorts...or shorts preferably with long socks.


  1. Um does that mean we will be climbing the rope????

  2. Pants or high socks??? Just what I need...more coverage, so that I can sweat even more. I am going to wear jeans an a turtle neck sweater.

  3. Aimee, I found a great wod for us to try sometime. Can we put this one in for a sunday or Saturday

    For Time:

    Row 1,000 Meters
    Run 800 meters
    50 Ring Dips
    100 Pullups
    150 Jumping Slamball
    Run 800 meters
    Row 1,000 Meters

  4. What the heck is slamball?

    John ~ don't forget your hat and gloves!

  5. for those that did not watch this. WOW.


    we are suck, this dude makes 300 deads look like paper.

  6. pretty awesome...and he's got metal plates so no bouncing...one day jason, we'll get there sooner or later

  7. Slamball is a jumping overhead slam of a medicine ball against the ground. Simulating an overhand slash with a sword.

  8. Scott,

    Last monday night I almost chose that wod as our level 2...next time I win, I'm still planning on bringing it out...looks dirty!!

  9. yo Im so in for that Mike we have to do it a day I dont have to work


  10. so i am in the apple store and i am trying to buy an iphone cause my sucks and i cant get one until sunday. can you believe that shit? so this is my reminder that i need to come back at 1pm on sunday to get one. they dont have pens here and i check this thing like crazy.
