
Oh CrossFit Tree.
A CrossFit Christmas tree (courtesy of CrossFit North Atlanta): Athletic tape, stopwatch, marker, fractional plate. What's missing? Bar clamps? Jump rope?

W.O.D. 12.22.08
7 Rounds:
7L/7R DB Snatch (20/30)
7 OH Squat (45/65)


Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. You know I'm starting to get a very unhealthy/healthy addiction to Crossfit.

    You know you are addicted to Crossfit when:

    You research Crossfit during your lunch hour.

    Join the Group Crossfit on Facebook.

    Actually stay in on a Saturday night and not go boozing to make it to Aimee's workout.

    Your New Years resolution in 2009 is to do 10 unassisted pullups.

    You actually look forward to getting up at 5:30 am to get your ass kicked.

    The most exciting thing on a Friday night is Aimee's workouts.

    And I'm contemplating a career change to workout full time and get certified to be a crossfit trainer. (I can dream cant I)

    Anyone else want to add anything?

  2. You know your addicted to CrossFit when:
    It's the first thing you check on your blackberry in the morning.

  3. You know you're addicted when you skip dinner on your birthday so that you can go to Crossfit.

  4. ....when you know what times Greg A, Speal, and Dutch get on Fran
