
Thanksgiving week schedule.
W.O.D. 11.21.08
Run 5K
Post time to comments.

Schedule of Events:
Monday-100 Burpee Challenge @ F.A.C. 5:30/6:30PM.
Tuesday-Class $20 @ F.A.C. 6:30PM.
Wednesday-Strength Day@ F.A.C. 6:00AM.
Thursday-Thanksgiving-No Class. Check blog for an away W.O.D.
Friday-Special WOD $15 @ 300 S. Henderson Rd. 10:00AM.
Saturday-Class $20 @ F.A.C. 10:30AM.

Watch this Box Jump! of Lu's 48" tire jump. Not bad, considering that's like 76% of her height.

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."

1 comment:

  1. 36:03...ugh...but it was after 50 pull-ups and squats with a 40 pound vest.
