Hang Power Cleans Anyone?
WOD 11.25.08
AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
10 Hang Power Cleans
20 Push-Ups
"You have to do it yourself, no one else will do it for you. You must work out your own salvation"
-Charles E. Popplestone
Photo above:
Chris our newest CrossFitter at CrossFit KOP and Nicole in the back ground!
Doreen-65-8 rounds
Chris-98-7 rounds
Paul-80-8 rounds
Tim-95-9 rounds
Miranda-55-8 rounds
Hannah-65-8 rounds
Nicole-45-8 rounds
H.P. Cleans? well, close...
ReplyDeleteDid one I missed last week.
5 rounds:
run 400m
95lb x 15 h.p. snatch
Awesome work Doug! Saw you working hard today! good stuff!