

 7 rounds for time: 

3 Power Cleans (115/165 lb) 
12 Wall-ball shots (14/20 lb) (9/10 ft)
200 Meter Run

“Resilience is, of course, necessary for a warrior. But a lack of empathy isn’t.” 
—Phil Klay


  1. 6am
    Subhan 15:35 110#/ 8 shuttle runs
    Brennan 16:07 115#/ 14# WB/ 8 shuttle runs
    Larissa 17:31 65#/ 8ft target/ 8 shuttle runs
    Shannon 13:40 8 shuttle runs
    Kevin 16:50 135#/ 8 shuttle runs
    Alex 14:02 400m C2

  2. 9:30
    Mary 15:18 80# 12# 400m c2
    Sarah 18:09 85# 8 shuttle runs
    Cate 15:06 500m c2

  3. 12pm
    Gordy 14:30 95#/ 500m C2
    Pam 13:57 Rx
    Erini 19:17 105#
    Keith 14:56 500m C2
    Abby 18:40 40#/ 12# WB
    Eric 16:05 Rx
    Aimee 14:21 500m C2
    Edwin 15:50 135#
    Geoff 15:04 135#

  4. 4:30
    Jeff 13:13 Rx
    Grace 14:28 Rx
    Alex 15:05 Rx
    Olan 19:53 Rx
    Steve 15min 5 rounds 85#/ 10#
    Matt B 18:26 Rx
    Gent 16:35 115#
    Matt D 12:30 Rx
    Graysen 19:24 85#/ 14#
    Matt P 16:33 135#
    Adrian 14:52 Rx row
    Noah 14:34 111#/ 14#
    Rich 16:22 Rx
    Trevor 16:58 Rx 500m C2
    Karolina 20:54 80#
    Nat 17:28 Rx
    Yorman 20:17 85#/ 14#

  5. Mike: 17:41 155#
    Rachel: 13:50 RX
    Danielle: 13:52 RX
    Sai: 22:04 500m C2 65#
    Sravan: 21:30 105# 14#
    Rakshit: 17:26 RX
    Seth: 13:53 500mC2 60#DB 12# WB
    Jess: 16:29 500m C2 95#
    Tori: 15:29 95#
    Greg: 14:36 RX
    Ulyses: 17:45 95#
    Steph: 20:05 300m row 85#
    Chet: 17:51 75# 14# WB
    Christina: 5 rnds 20:10 400m row 55# 10# WB
    Lil D: 20:08 300m row 95# 10#
    Nick: 18:38 135# 18# WB
    Josh: 20:13 75# 14#
    Dan 15:55 8 shuttle runs
