

 "Cindy Full of Grace"
3 Rounds for time of:
5 rounds of Cindy*
10 Clean and Jerks (95/135#)

* One round of Cindy is (5 Pull-ups, 10 Pushups, 15 Air Squats)*

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food."
 - Hippocrates


  1. 9:30
    Aimee 19:57 RX
    Jackie 18:38 (3-6-9 Cindy)
    Mary 19:57 65# (3-6-9 Cindy)
    Cate 22:03 RX

  2. nooner
    Keith 26:33 RR/115
    Pam 27:26 Rx
    Erini 15:20 35#/ RR
    Korynne 23:22 75# snake
    Eric 26:29 1 RD 3,6,9
    Freaky 22:50 1/2 snake
    Shannon 23:18 RX
    Megz 16:00 2 RDS, 25# DB and extra work
    Chloe D 26:41 (75#)
    Abby 19:53 3,6,9 band snake 53#
    Immy 23:56 3,6,9, RR snake 10KG
    Rich 17:34 RX
    Karen 21:54 35# 3,6,9 RR

  3. Ben 15:45 Rx
    Jeff 16:09 Rx
    Grace 12:25 2 rounds Rx
    John 25min 3-6-9 Cindy (ring rows)
    Karolina 19:54 3-6-9 Cindy 55#
    Dana 22min 85#/ 5 push ups
    Ana 22min trainer bar/ ring rows/ knee push ups
    Adrian 21:53 Rx
    Matt P 20:52 95#/ ring pull ups
    Graysen 21:10 60#/3-6-9 pull up attempts/ snake push ups
    Mike 25min scaled
    Matt D 16:41 Rx
    Ulises 25min 3 pull up attempts each rd/ 95#
    Josh M 20:55 115#/ ring pull ups
    Josh 25min 3-6-9 banded pull ups/ range of motion air squats/ 75#
    Steph 16:59 3-6-9 65#
    Nat 24min snake push ups
    Karen 25min snake push ups 75#
