

For Load 
Strict Press 5-5-5
Push Press 5-5-5

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
 of "Cindy"
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats 

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” —Mark Twain


  1. Steve: 65#\ 5 rdns scaled
    Alex: 135/175 6+7 RX
    Brennan: 107/122 ROM
    Larissa: 55/70 7 rnds strict
    Julia: 75/85 no cash out comp tomorrow
    Chloe: 80/100 6+11 strict banded pu
    Kevin: 125/165 banded pu
    Dan: 145/175 12 + 3 strict
    subhan: 143/187 7+2 RX
    Tucker: 121/ 8 RX
    Eric: 125/185 7+11 rx
    Tori: 65/85 4+7 banded strict and box push ups
    Jess: 85/100 4+5 banded strict and box pu

  2. 9:30
    Jackie 90/125/7+5 rx
    Matt 115/135/10+1 rx
    Megs 70/75/10+1 rr sit ups

  3. Noon
    Gent 135/135/6 strict
    Erini 90/105/10+9rx
    Sarah 70/85/6+15 rr rom push up
    Nick 120/145/9+3 banded pull up knee push up
    Pam 88/130/7+23rx

  4. 4:30
    Shannon 115#/ 145#/ 7+21 Rx
    Ben 145#/ 235#/ 11+6 strict pull ups
    Abby 57.5#/ 65#/ 7+24 knee push ups and ring rows
    Christina 57.5#/ 65/ 6+7 ring rows and knee push ups on a box
    Grace 105#/ 145#/ 8+4 strict pull ups
    Freaky 70#/ 105#/ 7+12 Rx
    Mike 105#/ 125#
    Karen 80#/ 105#/ 9+21 Rx
    Natalie 85#/ 115#/ 7+1 Rx
    Rich 171.6#/ 210#/ 14 Rx
    Noah 77#/ 97#/ 5+28 Rx
    Danielle 90#/ 125#
