

AMRAP in 8 Minutes: 
2 Wall Walks 
2 Deadlifts (205/315 lb)

Rest 2:00

AMRAP in 8 Minutes: 
2 Rope Climbs 
10 Sandbag Cleans (G2OS) (100/150#)

Community Notes: 
Today's Classes 
6:00 AM - with Coach Colette 
9:30 AM with Coach Colette
12:00 PM with Coach Aimee
1:00 PM Masters with Coach Aimee
2-4 OPEN GYM with Coach Lauren 

"There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind." — C.S. Lewis


  1. 6am
    Larissa 9+2 155#, 3+6 (5 strict pull ups)50#
    ALex T 6+2 rx, 2+2 125#
    Kristen 7 175#, 3+5 sc
    Brian 7+1 225#, 3+4 125# (5 strict pull ups)
    Nick 9+2 215#, 2+3 75#
    Brennan 6+1 215#, 2+1 100#
    Tori 6+1 155#, 2+9 banded pull ups 75#
    Jess 6+2 195#, 3+7 banded strict pull ups 75#

  2. 9:30
    Aimee 11+2rx, 3rx
    Tucker 11 225#, 2+1 100#
    Cate 6rx, 1+7rx
    Jackie 8+1 175#, 2+11 75#
    Megs 7+1 155#, 2+6 50#
    Eric 7+1rx, 2+9 125#
    Matt 10 Aimee rx, 3 Aimee rx
    Graysen 8 rom 140#, 4+3 50# rope climb practice
    Julia 7+2 155#, 3 75#
    Matty Bo 6rx, 2 125#
    Dana D 9 165#, 2+3 rx
    Danielle C 7rx, 2 75#

  3. nooner
    Sarah B 7 / 135#/ 2+ 9 75#
    Pam 10 +2 trap bar 205/4+1 rx
    Shannon 12+1 rx. 3+8 rx
    Dana H 12+1 rx 3+1 rx
    Evan Z 7. 205/ 2+7 100#
    Ben 13+1 rx/ 3+3 rx
    Keith :)/ 3 100#
    Rakshit 7+1 rx 3. 100#
    Edwin 7+2 295#/ 3+1 rx
    Jamie 12+2 rx. 3+4 rx
    Steph C 9+1 145#/ 3+5 50#
    Freaky 12 rx/ 3 rx
    Rich A 12 rx 2+5 rx
    Erini 7 rx. 2+7 rx
    Nat 8 +2 Trap Bar 205 ROM WW/ 2+6 75#

  4. masters
    AMRAP in 8
    2 Wall Walk
    5 Deadlift
    AMRAP in 8
    1 Rope Climb
    10 Sand Bag Cleans

    Gordy 6 95#/
    Lee 6+2 95#/ 2+1 15 ft 50#
    Lisa 6+2 95#/ 2+8 50 # 10 ft
    Terry 7 115# 3 50# 15ft
    Barb 5+2 85#. 3 50# Pulls
    Kathy 6 95/ 3 50 # pulls
    Teresa 6 85#/ 3 holds 30#
    Steve 135# 2+6 50# pulls
