


5RM Push Press 

To Compare to 7.16.24 CLICK HERE
To Compare to 3.6.24 CLICK HERE 

Cash Out: 
AMRAP in 10 minutes: 
3 Bar Muscle Ups
20 Dumbbell Push Press (35/50#)

"Leadership is unlocking people's potential to become better."
- Bill Bradley


  1. 6am

    Alex 175 2+2 rx
    Larissa 70 4+5 20# hips2bar
    Shannon 120 4+1 rx
    Subhan 175 3+1 rx
    Tucker 125

  2. 9:30
    Ben 225 5+13rx
    Aimee 110 4+4 rx
    Jackie 125 3+1 30# attempts
    Abby 75 6+7 20# jbmu
    Christina 40 3+10 12# jbmu
    Maggie 60 6+15 15# jbmu
    Daniella 60 4 15# jbmu

  3. nooner
    Bala 105. 4. 25# JBM
    Gordy 115 6+8 RR 10 / 20#
    Eric 175 4+3 40# hips to bar
    Keith 135 5 35#
    Christina 55 5 10# JBM
    Erini 105 3 +22 rx
    Geoff 130 bench 4+18 25 strict Pu
    Lauren 90 5+1 25#
    Pam 130 4 + 15 20#
    Megs 103 PR!! 5+2 JBMU 30#
    Heather 95# 3+13 2 bands 20#
    Rich A 205 6+4 rx

  4. 4:30
    Edwin 155 PR 4+3 pullup x5 35#
    Steph C 95 6+5 15# 5 strict band
    Maddy 85. 5+3 3 JMU
    Dana H 140 PR 4+10 rx
    Josh 185. 5 45#
    Trevor 185. 5 45#
    Jeff P 235 PR 5 + 18 rx
    Grace 150 PR 5+9 rx
    Evan 155 4 35#
    Mike Mit 145 4 30#
    Karen 105 5 25# JBMU
    Bella 105 6+11 15#
    Matt D 145 4 + 13 strict Pullups 35#
    Kevin 215 6+1 rx
    Matty Bo 175 3+15 band hips
    Kristen K 95 5+3 JBMU 20#
    Freaky 105 5 + 1 1BMU
