

Work to a Heavy Complex in 5 Working Sets: 
1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Push Jerk 

Cash Out: 

6 Rounds For Time: 
4 Front Squats (125/185#)
6/8 Calorie Air Bike 
(bar will be taken from the floor)

"Luck is great, but most of life is hard work. "
- Iain Duncan Smith


  1. Greg 205 # - 9:14 RX
    Tori 95# 7:30 75#
    Tracy 85# 7:31 55#
    Larissa 70# 8:14 60#
    Jess 115# 6:54 115#
    Tucker 95# 8:10 135#
    Alex 185# 7:33 155#
    Brian 185# 7:34 RX
    Brennan 85# 7:12 65#

  2. 9:30 AM
    Scott 115 7:02 115#
    Jackie 145 6:40 110#
    Mary 105 # 7:11 75#
    Ethan 195 6:41 115#
    Gordy 170 5:15 125#/6 Cal

  3. Aimee 125 5:57 105#
    Cate 124 5:50 105#

  4. Pam 150 6:30 rx
    Edwin 145 6:00 145#
    Matty Bo 205 7:18 155
    Megs 107.5 6:59 85#
    Geoff 150 7:32 8 cal row 185 BS
    Matt P 198 7:17 133#

    1 RM Power Clean

    cash out:
    6 Rds
    6 Power Cleans
    6 Cal C2 Bike

    Deb 50 PR 9:55 40#
    Terry 75 8:50 65#
    Richard 70 PR! 8:34 goblet squat 18#/ 4 cal air bike
    Kathy 60 9:26 55#
    Lisa 70# PR! 9:21 60#
