

For time:
50 Double Unders
40 Wallballs (14/20# to 9/10ft)
30 Box Jumps (20/24#)
20 Shoulder to Overhead (95/135#)
10 Bar Muscle Ups
20 Shoulder to Overhead (95/135#)
30 Box Jumps (20/24#)
40 Wallballs (14/20# to 9/10ft)
50 Double Unders

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” – George Addair


  1. 9:30
    Gordy 18:09- banded BMU 7 reps/ 95/20/14
    Em G 17:28 65/ JBMU
    Megs 19:11 10/17"/75 / JBMU
    Mary 20:19 Banded BMU 5 reps/65/10/volume scale
    Jackie 18:48 10# step/75# 5 BMU
    Kathy 17:23 scaled
    Jessie 17:43 25 DU/65/JBMU
    Erini 20:17 10# SB/65#/5 BMU

    6 AM
    Alex 20:41 rx
    Subhan 15:17 step 115/5 BMU
    Tucker 17:20 10#/JBMU/20" 75#
    Larissa 19:00 12#/55#/hips to bar
    Brennan 20:29 14 JBMU/20" 14#/75#

  2. Masters
    20box jumps
    15 sto
    10jbmu. And then back up
    Lee 14:49 10# to 8'/17"/45#/jbmu
    Teresa 18:12 su/8#/13"/10kg/jbmu

  3. 12:00

    Keith 20:46 #95
    Geoff 15:18, 25 DU, C2B, #25 DB, #20 MBall Clean
    Yormen Ouchie
    Meredith 17:31 JBMU,#75, step ups, SU
    Pam 15:13 5BMU
    Shannon 21:15 Rx
    Matty B. 21:19 #115 Band BMU
    Rich 17:39 Rx
    Dave 22:40 #115
    Edwin 17:07 #115 JBMU
    Ben 12:50 Rx
    Aimee 18:38, 17 Box
    Gillian 16:50 100 SU, #10 MB, #55, JBMU

  4. 4:30

    Abby 14:00 (SU, ROM WB, 55#)
    Jeff 11:56 RX
    Trevor 18:57 (SU, 5 BMU, 95#) FIRST BMU!!
    Kristen 16:28 (65#,H2BA)
    Julia 15:54 (75#, Step Ups)

  5. 5:30

    Seth 16:18 (SU,SU 20", H2bA)
    Rakshit 19:39 Womens RX
    Karen K 14:03 (ROM WB, PP 25#, SU, Step Ups)
    Lindsey 17:15 (55#, 8# WB, SU, 17#)
    Tori 17:24 (75#, SU, JMU)
    Jess 18:59 (SU/DU Mix, 85#, JMU)
    Karen M 14:24 (65#, SU,SU, JMU)
    Danielle G 14:45 (BPU)
    Danielle C 17:08 (65#, SU/DU Mix/JMU 10#WB)
    Mike 16:32 (75#, SU, 14#WB, 20" SU)
    Sai 21:25 (SU, SU, 55#, 10# WB)
