

Take 20 Minutes to build to a Heavy Squat Snatch 

 (Newer Athletes can perform 1 Power Snatch+1 Overhead Squat) 

 Cash Out: 
 For Time: 
200 Meter Run 
6 Overhead Squats
200 Meter Run 
9 Overhead Squats 
200 Meter Run 
12 Overhead Squats 

(Use 70% of heaviest Squat Snatch for the Overhead Squat) 

"Friendship is like a glass ornament, once it is broken it can rarely be put back together exactly the same way."
- Charles Kingsley


  1. 9:30
    Colette 130 4:10rx
    Steph 85 power 5:40 55#
    Pam 100 5:02 rx
    Jen 65 5:58 33#
    Ethan 105 5:46 95#
    Nick 85 5:45 65#
    Josh 135 4:57rx

  2. Noon
    Dana h 140# 6:35 100
    Evan 105# 6:55 75
    Grace 125# 4:35 85
    Edwin 115# 4:29 75
    Freaky 75# 5:31 65
    Jeff 215# 4:15 155

  3. 4:30
    Rachel PVC,Trainer Bar 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1
    OH Squat , 6:30
    Shannon #120, 4:47
    Kristen #53 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 OH Squat, 7:45
    Keith #205, 5:20
    Yormen #65 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 OH Squat, 6:25

  4. Rakshit: 130 and 5:16
    Danielle: 80 and 6:30
    Seth: 135 and 5:11
