
Athlete Spotlight Dana H- Headed to the Masters Fitness Championship- Elite

Congratulations to Dana H for qualifying for the Masters Fitness Championship - Elite Division 

How do focus on such a major event?  Did you have a strategy to manage the stress? 

I try not to over think the importance of the event, but rather how I need to approach the workouts to perform at my best. When doing an online competition, most of the stress is in the setup for filming and making sure you have good, clean movements to avoid penalties. 

What approach did you take for the workouts? Everyday wod or a blaze of glory? 
My approach is to figure out which movements tax which body parts and what movements are my weaknesses (and strengths). I do my weakest wods first, or the lifting wod first, depending on the specific competition requirements - that way I am fresh and can give those wods my best effort! Then I figure out which workout will be the most difficult from a recovery standpoint and I tackle that one last. For any workout, I push myself, but always stay within my abilities… meaning not blowing up or hitting some aspect of the workout too hard, or too fast! Pacing is key! 

How does it feel to be ranked best in the world in your respected categories? It feels awesome!! I aim to be consistent and avoid any injuries. As an older athlete, this is critical to not overtrain, that’s when injuries may happen. I am enjoying the journey and I still have work to do! Top 30 athletes go to the games; I need to review these workouts and evaluate which areas need improvement and place my focus on those incremental improvements. 

What advice can you give to community members looking to become more competitive? First, make sure you are having fun! That keeps you consistent. Second, remember the 1/3 rule: - 1/3 of the time you will be average. - 1/3 of the time you will be below average. - 1/3 of the time you will be above average. PRs are not always a sign of progress. This will keep you mentally strong and focused; if you have a bad day it’s just that… a bad day. Third: For gymnastics, weightlifting, and conditioning, assess your strengths and weaknesses and figure out what needs the most improvement. Dedicate more time working on those areas. As an example, if you lack overall strength, spend more time building strength, and less on conditioning work. It’s always helpful to enlist a coach to help you understand the areas that you need to focus on.  

What’s next for you? Tell us what you have your eyes on in the future. I am planning on competing at the Masters Fitness Collective Championship at the end of September. This will be my only in-person competition for CrossFit this year. It’s important to get out on the competition floor and gain experience in a high-pressure environment. It helps you learn to manage your emotions when things don’t go your way. I am grateful that CrossFit provides me the opportunity to compete, but it’s so much more than that. Our community is a place where you have support in the gym, and throughout all parts of your life. The people at my gym are more than supportive athletes - they are my family. Crossfit King of Prussia is my happy place!

1 comment:

  1. Larissa - smily face -
    Lee 26:57 7rds 5 reps - 26kb 35#thruster 75#DL
    Erini 27:47 2abmats hspu Thruster 55# DL 125#
    Jackie 23:37 2ab FS 85# V up 145# DL
    Amrita 26:57 7 reps 5 rounds stink bugs 35# thruster setups 65#DL 25#kb ring rows
