

CrossFit Total 
1 RM Back squat
1 RM Shoulder press
1 RM Deadlift

Newer athletes should treat today as an opportunity to practice and get comfortable with heavy lifts. Intermediate athletes should attempt max effort lifts for each movement. 
Beginner Option: Back squat 3-3-1-1 reps Shoulder press 3-3-1-1 reps Deadlift 3-3-1-1 reps

CLICK HERE to read more about the CrossFit total.

Success is not about being the best. It’s about always getting better. – Behance


  1. 6am

    Colette 265, 100, 265 = 630
    Larissa 105, 60, 185pr = 350
    Alex 365pr, 135, 455pr = 955pr !!
    Subhan 305, 175, skip DL = 480
    Kristen 175pr, 75pr, 205pr = 455pr !!
    Bryan 365, 125, 425pr = 915 pr!!

  2. Aimee 190-90-215 = 495
    Cate 195-120-225= 540

    Leah M 145-65-185 = 395
    Shannon 245 - 85 - 315 = 645
    Pam 225 - 85 - 260 = 570
    Megs 165 to 17"- 80 - 205 = 450
    Sarah 120 pr! 50 pr! 155 pr = 325
    Rich A 374 - 185 - 455 = 1015
    Kevin 405 - 185 - 475 = 1065
    Geoff :) :) :) = :)

  3. 9:30
    Yorman 105x 3, 65 x3, 155 x5+ 325
    Eric 245,135,305+ 685
    Jackie 185, SA Db 45#, 295+ 525
    Natalya practice
    Mary 155, 80, 195= 435
    Em G 155, 85, 175 = 415

  4. 4:30
    Freaky 180, 80, 265= 525
    Jeff 405, 175, 425 = 1005
    Matt 225, 145, 335= 705
    Trevor 320, 135, 345= 800
    Gray 66, 37, 135= 204
    Bettie 165, 75, 225= 465
    Karen 205, 95, 255= 555
    Edwin 265, 105, 285= 655

  5. 5:30
    Sandra 155, 65, 175= 395
    Seth 315, 185, 455 955
    Steph 145 PR, 75, 205 PR 425PR
    Greg 2 85 , 115, 345 745
    Lil D 195 Pr, 85, 225= 505
    Tori 130, 80, 205= 415
    Jess 185, 85, 205=415
    Scientist 250. 95, 265= 610
    Kline 145, 105, 255= 505
