

As Many Reps as Possible in 5 Minutes of Body Weight Back Squat* 

Then immediately after: 
15 Minute Clock Starts 

You must run 800m then with remaining time complete 

As Many Rounds as possible of: 
10 Box Jumps (20/24") 
10 Toes to Bar 
 Score is Reps of Back Squats + Rounds 

 *If a body weight back squat is unattainable you will scale according to level and ability. 

"Success is a result of consistent practice of winning skills and actions. There is nothing miraculous about the process. There is no luck involved." - Bill Russell


  1. Brian 37 RX 6 +7 20"
    Alex 30 RX 7 step-ups /v-up
    Colette 65 RX 8 +13 C2 Bike
    Subhan 26 RX 4 +7 step-ups
    Tori 31 95# 6 +7 K2C
    Jessica 40 125# 6+9 K2C
    Bryan 20 RX 5 +1 RX
    Jessie 46 115# 5+10 v-ups

  2. 9:30
    Erini 33rx 5+10rx
    Larissa 21 @95# 8+7rx
    Eric 24 @185# 5+11rx
    Jackie26rx 5+10 1/2ttb 1/2rom 2000m C2
    Em G 43 @115# 6+18 rom 2000m c2
    Mary 30 @105# 5+4 2000m c2

  3. nooner
    Pam 55 rx 7 rx
    Taylor 32 rx 3+16 burpee
    Edwin 42 rx 5 + 13 rx
    Megs 65 65# 6+3 GHD 17"
    Kevin 50 rx 5+15 rx

  4. masters
    Terry 48 75# 6+12 bike c2 1600 13"
    Kathy 47 85 safety squat 5+2 2 plates TT Pole bike c2 1600
    Richard 29 55# 5+11 11" BOX bike c2 1600 TTPOLE Kip swings
    Gordy 51 rx 4+3 20"
    Jim 60 105# 6+10 ttpole / kips bike c2 1600

  5. 4:30
    Matt D 37 rx 6 stepups
    General Matt 29 rx 7 + 13 c2 bike
    Grayson 34 6 knees c2 17"
    Jamie 6 rx 7 + 8 rx
    Greg 55 rx 7 rx

    Seth 27 sc 6 17" stepp HKR stepp
    DC 39 sc 6 + 4 rom 13"
    DD 45 rx 6 + 8 rx
    Scientist 42 rx 6 = 5 r
    Ste[h 32 sc 6 + 8 rom
    kBay 42 sc
