

4 Rounds for time of:
20 Calories Ski Erg
20 GHD Sit-ups
20 Deadlifts (155/225)

Community Notes:
Saturday 9:00 AM FREE FRIENDS and FAMILY!!!
(grab someone new and introduce them to CrossFit KOP)
CrossFit Kids 10:15 AM Saturday!

Join Coach Taylor for an OPEN house and lifting this Thursday 6:30 PM!

“The only way to prove you are a good sport is to lose.” – Ernie Banks


  1. Kaitlyn 15:50 135#
    Subhan 19:54 135#/neg sit-ups/row
    Michael 22:10 125#/row
    Brian 14:40 80# KB DL
    Jessica 19:19 125#
    Bryan 21:02 RX
    Tori 18:45 115#
    Dana 19:20 135#
    Jamie 16:17 RX

  2. 9:30
    Monica 22:01 85#
    Jackie 20:14 rx
    Leda 22:30 115#
    Ben 14:17 rx
    Larissa 21:04 105#
    Mary 20:06 15 ghd 115#

  3. nooner
    Matt 18:22 176#
    Natalie 19:44 sit ups
    Meredith 19:13 rx
    Edwin 19:01 165#
    Sarah B 20:01 85# 1/2 GHD
    Pam 16:00 rx
    Megs 21:17 135#
    Shannon 17:11 rx

  4. Masters
    Terry 20:22 95#
    Ali 19:18 125#

    4 Rounds
    15 Ski cals
    15 GHD Sit up
    15 Deadlifts

    Gigi 17:40 65#
    Richard 17:50 75# ABmat sit up
    Lisa 19:04 85#
    Kathy 18:27 85#

  5. 5:30
    Little D 20:22, 135#
    Seth 19:13, 185#,ABsit-up
    Danielle G 18:00rx
    Julia 20:40, 125#
    Mark 19:29, 185#

  6. 4:30
    Freaky 16:50 rx
    Jeff 13:29 rx
    Lauren 16:39 c2 bike 135#
