

Strict Press
(all sets should be 80% or above)

For time:
21 Push Jerks (95/135#)
21 Calorie Row
18 Push Jerks (95/135#)
18 Calorie Row
15 Push Jerks (95/135#)
15 Calorie Row
12 Push Jerks (95/135#)
12 Calorie Row
9 Push Jerks (95/135#)
9 Calorie Row

“The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do.” - Kobe Bryant


  1. 6:00AM
    Kaitlyn 85# 3rep 13:25 85#
    Julia 80#3rep 10:10 75#
    Subhan 155# 3rep 11:03 105#
    Michael 75#3rep 14:35 55#
    Alex135#3rep 11:20 95#
    Larissa 55#3rep 13:42 55#
    John 95#3rep 12:10 95#
    Bryan 115#3rep 10:52 115#
    Tori 65#3rep 13:02 55#
    Jess 70#3rep 8:20 scaled ski erg and reps
    Kristen 60#3rep 13:40 55#

    Taylor 143 11:57 rx
    Gordy 105 11:32 85#
    Dana H 105 11:53 rx
    Gina 70 14:09 75#
    Sarah B 80 PR! 14:44 65#
    Megs 78 13:31 75#
    Pam 92.5 11:53 rx
    Natalie 95 12:24 85#
    Keith 125 9:53 95#
    Matt P 145 11:50 115#
    Leda 70 12:53 70#
    Max 110 12:15 95#
    Meredith 90 PR! 13:20 75#
    Geoff 135 bench 10:15 DB strict press PP
    Kevin 160 PR 10:23 95#

  3. Aimee 83# x5 12:54 85#
    Cate ---- 15:19 rx

  4. 4:30
    Nick 135 12:38 75#
    Smutek 115 14:04 115
    Matty Boh 145 13:15 115#
    Jeff 175 Pr 9:08 rx
    Freaky 75 16:32 rx
    Edwin 115 11:46 65#
    Karen 85 12:39 55#
    Erika 70 12:53 55#
    Mitt 115 12:59 65

  5. 5:30
    Seth 176 PR 13:15 115#
    Rakshit 125 11:54 95
    Kaybay 75 10:50 55#
    Steph 70 12:28
    DC 75 13:48 65
    Danielle G 95 12:02 rx
