

Say Good-Bye to 2023 WOD!

AMRAP in 23 Minutes with a partner: 
23 Burpee box jump-overs (20/24 in) 
23 Power snatches (65/95 lb) 
23 Overhead squats (65/95 lb) 
23 Knees-to-elbows 
23 Calorie Air Bike
(partners share the work as needed)

Holiday Schedule:
Wednesday 12/27 through Sunday 12/31 - Regular Classes
Sunday 12/31 - Bring a Friend for FREE!
Monday 1/1 - CLOSED for New Years Day
Tuesday 1/2 - Resume Regular Classes

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” 
― Maya Angelou

1 comment:

  1. Aimee (17"box) + Julia / Danielle (ROM KTE) 2+111
    Mark (rx) + Jordan (DU) 2 +110
    Colette+ Jamie (rx) / James 45# RoM= 3 + 22
    Sarah B( 22# ROM/ 17")/ Natalya ( 22# ROM/ 17")= 2 + 91
