

Power Clean 

Cash out:
2 Power Cleans
50 Double Unders
4 Power Cleans
50 Double Unders
6 Power Cleans
50 Double Unders
8 Power Cleans
50 Double Unders
10 Power Cleans
50 Double Unders
(use 60% of 1 RM for the cash out)

20 strict pull-ups 
20 weighted strict pull-ups 
(x2 tickets for weighted)

“There will come a time when you believe everything is finished; that will be the beginning.” 
- Louis L’Amour


  1. 6am
    Kristen 110, 9:43 40 dubs
    Julia 160, 8:25rx
    Alex 225, 10:00rx
    Subhan 185, 9:29rx

  2. nooner
    Cate 145 7:53 (30 DU / 95#)
    Aimee 125 8:26 Rx + 95#
    Jim R 235 6:51 SU/155#
    Ana C RDL 5x5 163/ 7:30 snatch grip RDL 123#
    Gina 125 PR! 11:24 (95/30DU)
    Pam 175 PR! 8:07 rx
    Gordy 191 6:45 10 cal ski
    Taylor 264 PR 7:37 30 DU
    Matt P 165 8:50 (105#)
    Keith B 275 11:45 rx
    Rob 245 9:02 rx
    Shannon 175 PR! 10:02 20 DU
    Dana D 135 PR! 6:48 rx
    Sarah B 95 PR! 7:52 55# :30 sec DUA
    Rich A 286 9:16 rx
    Jonathan 285 14:02 rx
    Liam 115 :)
    Erini 125 6:50 25 DU
    Carl 275 PR 5:19 SU
    Max 195 9:59 rx
    Bettie 100 9:45 Su/DU

  3. 4:30
    Karen 140 PR 6:21 singles
    Pablo 185 7:21 singles
    Remer 245 5:21 rx
    Samson 200 9:03 rx
    Edwin 145 7:50 30 dubs
    Erika 115 7:30 singles
    Smutek 255 8:37 rx
    Jeff 305 7:01 rx
    Matt 225 8:07 35 dubs
    Trevor 205 7:16 30 dubs 105#
    Freaky 125 6:24 rx+ 85

    Scientist 168 9:21 rx + 105#
    David 155 9:15 singles S
    Seth 235 PR 7:00 :45 dub attempts
    DC 115 9:17 75 singles
    Rakshit 195 6:54 30 dubs
    Greg 255 PR 11:31 rx
    Steph 115 8:07 25 dubs
