

 30 rounds for time of: 
5 Wallball shots (14'20 to 9/10 ft) 
3 Handstand Push-ups
1 Power Clean (155/225)

Community Notes: 
This weekend's classes 12/2-12/3 Saturday/Sunday 9 AM will be held at the Lyons Den (555 w. Beidler, King of Prussia); there will be NO Kids class Saturday or Lifting on Sunday. 
Saturday 7 - 8 am OPEN gym will be held at the box.  

FESTIVUS our annual Holiday party will be held Friday 12/8 at 5:30 PM. Come in your most festive outfit, get ready to air grievances, compete at feats of strength and bring a white elephant gift to trade and some treats and drinks to share. 

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." — Maya Angelou


  1. 6am

    King 34:45 135, 2ab
    Julia 31:04 145#
    Subhan 32:00 20 rds, 2 hspu, 165#
    Kristen 23:30 22 rds, 3ab, 95#
    Tori 35:55 95#, kick ups
    Jess 36:04 125#, 3ab

    Mark 25:14 165#, pushups

  2. nooner
    Britt 30:00 15 rds 65#/10# 2 AB
    Kevin H 26:27 20 rds 185
    Megs 31:20 25 rds 95#
    Erini 36:22 105# 2 AB
    Gina 31:02 95#/ 1 kick up + 3 push up
    Gordy 19:38 20 rds 2 AB 155# 14 to 9 ft
    Pam 24:00 20 rds 115/14#
    Ana C 29:35 125#
    Lenny 26:30 1 ab 20 rds 155/14#
    Dana H 32:32 rx
    Shannon 27:24 20 rds 155/ 1ab/14
    Carl 24:12 rx
    Keith 40:54 rx
    Jonathan 29:27 rx
    Geoff 28:46 135# ab mat 2/ 25# db thruster
    Dana D 32:28 115 1 ab
    Meredith 29:13 2 ab 95#
    Max 32:00 20 rds 155#/1 ab

    Ladies at 2:00
    Aimee 26:17 113#
    Lauren 27:29 105# Hand Release PU

  3. 4:30
    Jammie J 24:01 sc
    trevor 17+ 3 scaled at 30:00
    Mitter 29:15 155 3ab
    Karen 29:51 rom 105
    Matty Boh 21:55 ( 20 rounds 185)
    Erika 29:15 95# SB (20 rounds)
    Smutek 26:00 205 sc
    Edwin 24:19 14# situps 115# 25 rounds
    JPJR 24:12 rx
    Freaky 29:10 1.5ab 115 PR
    Alex TU 25:6 ( 15 rounds)
    Kalyn 29:33 135
    The Nat 23:10 )20 rounds) wall ball push press

  4. 5:30
    Greg 36:28 rx
    Evan 15 rounds scaled
    Seth 27:15 185 db strict press 21 rounds
    Jamie 30:24 rx PR
    scientist 30:00 21 rounds 125
    Lil D 30:32 2ab 10#

  5. 6:30
    Steph 26:42, 95#, snake/stink bugs, 10# WB
    Kate B 25:13, 95#, 3 abmat hspu, 10# WB
    Ryan P 30:20, 135#, 3/2 hspu for 20rds/stink bugs 10rds
