

AMRAP 5 Minutes: 
30 double-unders 
10 single-leg squats (alternating)

Rest 3:00

AMRAP 7 Minutes: 
30 double-unders 
10 burpees 

Rest: 3:00

AMRAP in 9 Minutes:
30 double-unders
15 dumbbell thrusters 35/50#
1 rope climb 20ft
Thanksgiving Schedule and Notes:

Friday 11/24 - NO 6 am NO 5:30 PM classes 
Saturday 11/25 - Normal 7 am and 9 am classes
Sunday 11/26 - Free Friends and Family 9 AM

“Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” —Voltaire


  1. 9:30
    Dana D 3+31rx,5+37rx,3 30#
    Gordy 2+15rx,4 ski, 3+38 35# ski
    Philip 4 shrimp, 3 sc, 2 35#
    Jess 2+19 15 dubs shrimp, 3+20 15 dubs, 2+71 60 singles 25# 15ft
    Dana H 5rx,5rx, 2+30 rx

  2. 4:30
    Freaky G 5rx, 5+15 rx, 2+37 18'

    Lil D 65 singles 17", 5+34 singles, 3 25#15'
    Sarah 4 + 5 taps shrimp, 4+ 5 attempt :30,3sc
    Julia N 5 rx, 3 + 33 rx, 1 rx
