

For time with a partner: 
50-calorie row 
50 burpee box jump-overs (20/24 in) 
50 deadlifts (125/185 lb) 
50 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb) (9/10 ft) 
50 ring dips 
50 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb) (9/10 ft) 
50 deadlifts (125/185 lb) 
50 burpee box jump-overs (20/24 in) 
50-calorie row

CLICK HERE to compare to 7.31.23

Thanksgiving Schedule and Notes:
Wednesday 11/22 - 10 K Row from 6 am - 1pm (open gym) 
Thursday 11/23 - CLOSED Thanksgiving 
Friday 11/24 - NO 6 am NO 5:30 PM classes 
Saturday 11/25 - Normal 7 am and 9 am classes
Sunday 11/26 - Free Friends and Family 9 AM

“For me, every hour is grace. And I feel gratitude in my heart each time I can meet someone and look at his or her smile.” —Elie Wiesel


  1. 9:30

    Megs kbdl, goblet squat, 15 dips
    Jamie rx
    Jordan 125, 14, 20 in, box under feet dips

    Jackie c2, athletic burpee, 2 dips+3 neg
    Em negatives

  2. nooner
    Dana / Kalyn 26:29 rx
    Carl / Mark 22:59 rx
    Pam RX+ Shannon (negatives) / Jill H (negative / some dips) 27:14
    Liam (scaled) / Jonathan bent over row 31:17 (less the last 50 BBJO)
    Edwin (bent over rows25#/135 DL/ Matty Bo (band) 27:16 PR!!!!!!
    Geoff 22;42 135#/ band solo

  3. Masters
    40 Cal Row
    40 Burpee
    40 KB DL
    40 WB
    40 Step up
    40 KB DL
    40 Burpees
    40 Cal Row

    Lee/ Terry 19:12 17" 15# DB 12# WB 53#
    Scott/Gordy 20:20 155#/80#/14#
    Barb (solo 20 reps) 18:10 8#/13"/ 8# 55#

  4. 4:30
    Lauren 135/Pdip/BBSU/ 10# wb/ Jeff rx 23:12
    Remer/Dave 22:22 rx PR!!!
    Dana- box dips / Mike Mit 135#20"
    Lenny 14#/Alex Tu - rx/ Nat step over wb PP 26:35

  5. 5:30
    Julia N/Danielle G 30:11 box dips

    Seth/Danielle C 29:15 sc

  6. 6:30
    Max, solo, 20 reps of each 22:08, 135#
