

 All for time:

2 Rounds of:
30/20 Calorie Row
30 Push-ups
2 Rounds of:
30/20 Calorie Bike 
20 Toes to Bar
2 Rounds of:
30/20 Calorie Ski Erg
10 Bar Muscle Ups

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein.


  1. 6am

    Subhan 21:10 25reps, 20/10 reps, 20cals 5BMU
    King 24:30 banded strict pu
    Julia 24:40 some snake, 7bmu
    Kristen 24:53 rom ttb, 5 low bar
    Larissa 24:08 5 low bar
    Kaitlyn 25:00 rom ttb, low bar

    Mark 24:22 t2p, bmua

  2. 6:30
    Ryan P 22:30, ROM T2B, Low Bar MU

  3. noon
    Pam 22:20 20 pushups/15 tab/ 5 BMU
    Em G 19:12 25 pushup/ rom/ strict banded
    Kalyn 24:24 rx
    Baez 28:25 rx
    Rob 22:46 rx
    Mega 23:18 5jbmu
    The Nat 23:14 strict banded PU
    Sarah 23:56 sc

  4. 4:30
    Leah 19:15 scaled
    Karen 25:20 scaled
    Mitter 29:59
    Matty Boh 29:21 1/2 TTB BMUA
    Samson 27:13 Ripped hands 1 round of MU
    Jeff 20:32 rx
    Alex 27:26 ring dip
    Freaky 24:30 5bmu/ snake
    J Spak 20:08 30 ghd 10 devils Press
    Rocco 26:32 3MU
    Erika 25:36 snake rom low bar
